Monday, May 4, 2009

World OSH Day in conjunction with Labour Day 2009

NIOSH wishes to remind both employers and employees to regard occupational safety and health as a human right issue.

The right to work in a safe and healthy environment, free from accidents is also the fundamental right of every employee.

Employees and workers have a fundamental right to safety and also have an obligation to work safely too.

The theme for WORLD OSH DAY 2009 is “HEALTH & LIFE AT WORK – A Basic Human Right.”

Lee Lam Thye said this when commenting on Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak speech today (2/5/2009) in conjunction with HARI PEKERJA 2009 in Bukit Jalil.

Preserving human health is a key objective of social security, promoting and creating a safety and health culture can save lives and reduce costs to society.

NIOSH is proud to play its role to promote the right to productive work in conditions of human dignity, safety and health.

All workers are entitled to safe and healthy working conditions, as articulated in international human rights instruments, regardless of whether they be involved in fieldwork, in the office or other workplace settings.

It is essential for employers and employees to be fully committed to workplace safety. The government, employers and employees must be committed to achieving a work culture that ensures safety and health. It must be emphasized that there should be no compromise on safety and health at the workplace.

Increasingly, the promotion of safer conditions in the workplace is based on promoting a culture of risk and accidents prevention which can improve the health of workers and the productivity of the enterprise.

The overall responsibility for providing a safe and healthy working environment rests with the employers who should demonstrate their commitment to OSH.

This can be done by building and maintaining a preventive safety and health culture that address the principles of prevention, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, information and training, while workers have a duty to cooperate with the employer in implementing this OSH programme.

Mat Rempit

Various parties have expressed serious concern over the issue of Mat Rempit, snatch thefts, robberies and other criminal activities involving youngsters drawn into illegal racing.

Hardly a day goes by without some reports or incidents of members of public being victimized by these misfits of society.

Several concerned individuals have written to the media to express their anger and torment over the issue, particularly those who have fallen victims to these violent youths and their hooligan acts.

While the police should be commended for mounting various dangerous operations against these Mat Rempit – with some police personnel sustaining serious injuries – it would appear that the law enforcers have not been able to put an end to the dare-devil stunts of these misguided youngsters.

With most of those Mat Rempit in the age group of 15 to 19 years the question that needs to be asked is what has happened to parental guidance to these youngsters.

The Government and the Cabinet in particular must take effective and appropriate action to tackle and find on enduring solution to the Mat Rempit menace.

In my view we need to find out the root cause of the Mat Rempit problem. Is it because they come from broken homes and lack parental counseling.

Or is it because they do not have proper places to relax and release their energies or tension?

If this is true then the government needs to provide more sports facilities and more recreational spaces for our youths and teenagers. We need more football fields, more badminton and basketball courts, more affordable sports amenities for the young. There should be more spaces for games and sports in our cities and towns.

In this regard, our Housing and Local Government Ministry as well as the respective State Governments should ensure that all local authorities provide adequate sports amenities in our cities, towns and districts to help produce healthy bodies and minds and our teenagers will not turn to be Mat Rempit or involve in negative activities.

The Government should also review all relevant legislation to strengthen law enforcement and deal with Mat Rempit and illegal racing effectively.

Among other proposals that could be considered should include classifying repeat Mat Rempit offenders as juvenile delinquents who should then be sent to a reform school like that of the Henry Gurney Schools where they will be provided with counseling and skills training.

For parents who neglect their responsibility in disciplining and guiding their children who are under their care, perhaps there is a basis for parents to be imposed bonds for good behaviour of their kids.

Monday, April 27, 2009

World OSH Day 2009

TOMORROW (28TH APRIL 2009) is World Occupational Safety and Health Day (OSH) and is commemorated worldwide including Malaysia.

The theme for World OSH Day 2009 is “HEALTH & LIFE AT WORK – A Basic Human Right.”

Employees and workers have a fundamental right to safety and also have an obligation to work safely too.

The right to life is the most fundamental human right. The right to work in a safe and healthy environment, free from accidents is also the fundamental right of every employee.

NIOSH wishes to remind both employers and employees to regard occupational safety and health as a human right issue.

Preserving human health is a key objective of social security, promoting and creating a safety and health culture can save lives and reduce costs to society.

NIOSH is proud to play its role to promote the right to productive work in conditions of human dignity, safety and health.

All workers are entitled to safe and healthy working conditions, as articulated in international human rights instruments, regardless of whether they be involved in fieldwork, in the office or other workplace settings.

It is high time for employers and employees to prove they are fully committed to workplace safety. The government, employers and employees must be committed to achieving a work culture that ensures safety and health. It must be emphasized that there should be no compromise on safety and health at the workplace.

Increasingly, the promotion of safer conditions in the workplace is based on promoting a culture of risk and accidents prevention which can improve the health of workers and the productivity of the enterprise.

The overall responsibility for providing a safe and healthy working environment rests with the employers who should demonstrate their commitment to OSH.

This can be done by building and maintaining a preventive safety and health culture that address the principles of prevention, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, information and training, while workers have a duty to cooperate with the employer in implementing this OSH programme.

协助肾脏病人 - 捐献洗肾机器







Komen terhadap Raja

Semua rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya ahli politik harus akur dengan peringatan Sultan Perak mengenai pentingnya Institusi Raja Melayu disisihkan daripada sebarang pergolakan atau pertikaian politk sesama mereka.

Institusi Raja-raja perlu dipertahankan sebagai payung naungan rakyat sepanjang zaman daripada dicemari oleh mana-mana pihak.

Dalam konteks ini titah Sultan Perak perlu dijadikan iktibar dan panduan kepada rakyat supaya institusi Raja-raja tidak diheret ke kancah politik dan Raja berada di atas politik.

Persefahaman terhadap peranan Institusi Raja dalam masyarakat majmuk adalah penting dalam memastikan keamanan dan kemakmuran negara kita.

Maintenance and Safety Culture in the Country

NIOSH Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today suggested to the new Najib Administration to put an end to the poor and unsatisfactory maintenance of public infrastructure facilities and public amenities and work towards the emergence of a new era which gives emphasis to a strong maintenance and safety culture in the country.

One of the many issues of public concern is how to develop a strong maintenance culture in Malaysia in the interest of public safety and convenience.

Malaysia is known as a country which prides itself in the provision of First World infrastructure but not in terms of its maintenance of these infrastructure.

Incidences of defects and breakdown in new government buildings and infrastructures are still fresh in our minds. Problems of such nature are embarrassing and far too serious to be ignored.

Poor maintenance of public buildings and infrastructures can lead to accidents and injuries. Public toilets which are not properly maintained can cause public inconveniences. Children’s playgrounds poorly maintained can also result in accidents and injuries. Roads and public drains not properly maintained can also cause flash floods.

Potholes which are left unattended to for weeks greatly inconvenience motorists. Failure to prune tree branches and leaves that obstruct road signages along our highways, federal, state and town roads also cause inconvenience to motorists.

These unpleasant occurrences are a reflection of a Malaysian malaise clearly manifested in inferior quality work, poor execution, inept management, poor maintenance and lack of ethics.

What is at stake is not only the question of ethics but also the issue of Safety and Health at work. The occurrence of collapsing structure in buildings is an issue affecting health and safety at work which must not be overlooked.

It is time for everyone to curb the Malaysian malaise of inferior quality work, poor execution, inept management and poor maintenance.

The comment that Malaysia is a case of a country “having First World infrastructure but Third World Mentality” is very true when it comes to the practice of maintenance.

Maintenance and service has never been the country’s forte. We are good at providing state-of-the-art buildings and equipment but when it comes to maintaining them and making them function properly we have many shortcomings and weaknesses.

All authorities and every Malaysian must imbibe the culture of strong maintenance and make it a way of life. Let us not have first world infrastructure but a third class mentality when it comes to maintenance.

I call on the new Najib Administration to put an end to the poor and unsatisfactory maintenance of public amenities in the country.

The time has come for the emergence of a new era which gives emphasis to the development of a strong maintenance and safety culture.

Improving a country’s image is not only the responsibility of the government but also the duty of each citizen who must be civic-minded.

Despite Malaysia’s success in economic development, we have not succeeded to develop a civic-minded society. Indiscriminate throwing of litter is still very common despite public campaigns on anti-littering.

Let it not be said that Malaysians work hard to pursue wealth and success but lose sight of their civic obligations.

Budaya Penyengaran baik dapat dilaksanakan di Malaysia demi keselesaan dan keselamatan Orang Ramai

Salah satu dari isu yang menjadi perhatian kepada orang ramai ialah bagaimanakah budaya penyengaraan yang baik dapat dilaksanakan di Malaysia demi keselamatan dan keselesaan orang ramai.

Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara yang berbangga dengan kemampuannya untuk menyediakan prasarana bertaraf dunia, tetapi tidak dari segi penyengaraan yang baik.

Kejadian kecacatan dan kerosakan bangunan baru kerajaan dan prasarana yang di bangunkan oleh kerajaan maseh segar dalam ingatan kita semua. Masalah seperti ini adalah amat memalukan dan terlalu sirius untuk di abaikan.

Penyenggaraan yang buruk terhadap bangunan dan prasarana awam boleh membawa kepada kemalangan dan kecederaan. Tandas awam yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik menyebabkan ketidak selisaan kepada orang ramai. Taman permainan kanak-kanak yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan dan kecederaan. Sementara jalan raya dan longkang yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik boleh menyebabkan banjir kilat.

Jalan berlubang yang dibiarkan berminggu minggu membahayakan pengguna jalan raya. Kegagalan untuk memotong pokok dan dahan yang menutupi papantanda disepanjang jalanraya kita pula menyebabkan kesulitan kepada pengguna jalan raya.

Kejadian-kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan ini adalah imbasan kepada rasa tidak senang rakyat Malaysia terhadap kualiti kerja yang rendah, perlaksanaan yang tidak sempurna, pengurusan yang lemah, budaya penyenggaraan yang buruk dan kurangnya etika kerja dikalangan mereka yang terlibat.

Apa yang menjadi persoalan bukan sahaja isu etika kerja tetapi juga isu keselamatan dan kesihatan ditempat kerja. Kejadian keruntuhan di bangunan-bangunan adalah isu keselamatan dan kesihatan ditempat kerja yang tidak boleh dipandang ringan.
Sudah sampai masanya bagi semua pihak untuk bertindak atau berbuat sesuatu untuk mengelakkan atau menyekat perkara yang tidak menyenangkan rakyat Malaysia dari berulang seperti kualiti kerja yang rendah, perlaksanaan yang tidak sempurna, pengurusan yang lemah dan penyenggaraan yang buruk.

Komen yang Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang “mempunyai prasarana kelas pertama dunia tetapi mentaliti kelas dunia ketiga” adalah tepat apabila kita berkata mengenai budaya penyenggaraan dinegara ini.

Budaya penyenggaraan dan perkhidmatan sememangnya bukan kekuatan kita. Kita amat baik didalam menyediakan bangunan dan prasarana yang canggih, tetapi apabila tiba kepada soal penyenggaraan dan menjaga bangunan dan prasarana tersebut kita mempunyai banyak kelemahan dan masaalah.

Semua pihak berkuasa dan rakyat Malaysia perlu menanam budaya penyenggaraan yang baik dan menjadikanya sebagai cara hidup seharian. Marilah kita mengubah sikap “prasarana kelas dunia pertama tetapi minda kelas dunia ketiga” apabila kita melakukan penyenggaraan.

Masanya sudah sampai untuk satu era baru yang menekankan terhadap budaya penyenggaraan dan keselamatan yang baik.

Memperbaiki imej negara bukan sahaja tanggung-jawab kerajaan tetapi juga semua rakyat Malaysia yang seharusnya mempunyai rasa bertanggung-jawab.

Walaupun Malaysia telah berjaya dari segi pembangunan ekonomi, kita masih belum berjaya membangunankan masyarakat yang bertanggung-jawab atau yang berminda sivik. Pembungan sampah di merata tempat masih lumrah walaupun pelbagai kempen telah dilakukan.

Janganlah kita dikatakan rakyat Malaysia bekerja kuat untuk mengumpulkan harta dan mencapai kejayaan tetapi hilang rasa tanggung-jawab sivik mereka.








近年来已经发生多起攫夺案导致伤亡的悲剧,因此李氏相信手无寸铁的人民将夹在攫夺与抢劫罪案之间。李氏表示我们应该采取各种措施以全力实施打击与杜绝攫夺匪与劫匪,包括: -

1. 警方应该提供更多的警力与资源,不只是在吉隆坡而是全国各地全力捕抓攫夺与抢劫匪。
2. 各地方当局应推行倡议和实施各种指导方针。在安全城市的概念下,提供各项安全措施,如建设有围栏的行人道等等。
3. 人民必须时常提高警惕,并依据警方与马来西亚防范罪案基金会所付诸实践的指导原则或贴士,人民能够知晓如何防止攫夺案的发生及避免成为抢劫案的受害者。
4. 市民必须全力以赴,在自身安全受到保障的情况下,帮助受害者抓拿攫夺匪或劫匪,并将他们移交给有关当局。
5. 政府必须严格惩罚被定罪的攫夺匪与劫匪,被定罪者必须强制性的接受牢狱的惩罚。