Friday, October 31, 2008

Cost Cutting by Employers

NIOSH Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today advised employers and top managements of companies not to use the present state of our economy as an excuse to cut back or reduce OSH expenses as such cost-cutting measure will not be in the interest of the safety and health of their employees.

NIOSH is aware that the present sluggishness and economic uncertainty experienced by Malaysia has had a significant impact on our industries as a whole.

Many companies have had to tighten their budgets. This measure is unavoidable. However, in the process, a number of questions come to mind:

a) Should a company cut back on the safety and health budget in the workplace during this economic slowdown?

b) Is this a logical or viable step to take?

If you stop to think for a moment, compromising safety and health at the workplace is tantamount to incurring additional costs to a company. Why do I say that? Can a company afford to:

1. have an unwanted accident which might disrupt production?

2. be distracted with having to investigate the accident whereas it should be occupied with other scheduled productive duties

3. and in the worst case scenario, be issued with a stop-work order where productivity will be affected.

These are few examples of what accidents can do to the bottomline and productivity of a company.

Certain executives at the management level might have the notion that cutting back on OSH expenses is an acceptable way because they see it merely as a cost cutting measure. However, this should not be the case. Have you ever come across a saying which goes “if you think safety is expensive, try an accident.”

So how do we address OSH issues in these difficult times?

The answer lies in the development of a “good OSH management system.” This responsibility lies with the management team, which must accord serious attention to the aspect of how to manage OSH appropriately. The very objective of good OSH management is to provide the required investment in terms of commitment – financial, human resources and equipment in systematic OSH strategies – in order to secure the highest rate of return on investment such as zero accident without jeopardising the company’s overall profit performance.

A good OSH management system leads to:

1. minimizing unnecessary spending of financial, manpower and other resources to unproductive safety measures by prioritizing OSH activities.

2. ensuring that OSH committee in the workplace is a focus for both management and workers to work together for the improvement of OSH.

3. to change the approach to safety and health at the workplace from being reactive to a more proactive approach or in other words prevent the accident rather than cope with it.

Good OSH management is therefore an integral part of a good overall company management system.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mental Disorder

Letter to Editor

Mental health problems, especially stress-related ones among Malaysians are a matter of serious concern and need to be addressed urgently at the workplace so that problems like depression, mental illness and psychiatric disorders can be avoided.

Although a 1996 national health study found mental illness to be prevalent in about 10.7 % of the population, the facts seem to indicate a surge in mental illness which are the manifestations of the ill effects of urbanization, stress and poor mental health. We cannot be unconcerned over the increasing spate of incidents involving the mentally ill or those suffering from mental disorders.

In previous years mental health has been a topic of low priority for the government and the community as compared to other health problems. But increasingly as reflected worldwide, mental health has gained more prominence.

In Malaysia we need to do more for those who suffer from mental illness. On the welfare services front, the government should include the mentally ill as disabled persons and brought under the category of ‘orang kurang upaya’ and they should be accorded opportunities in employment to help them return to society and not be a burden to it.

Mental disorders is a subject very few people wish to talk about but it is a reality which we have to grapple with. Amok and suicide cases reported in the media from time to time involving mentally sick persons, which are of concern to us, are tragic reminders of another side of life less talked about but nevertheless very real.

NIOSH is of the view that urgent steps need to be taken to address mental and health issues at workplaces involving employers, employees and the relevant authorities.

In line with this, it might be timely for the government to introduce guidelines for mental health care promotion to enable implementation of basic measures to be adopted and implemented by employers at workplaces, suited for the practical conditions of each enterprise.

In promoting mental health care, the employers should consider the specific nature of mental health problems, consideration of individual worker privacy, relationship with human resource management policies and issues emanating from problems related to family or individual lifestyles.

Employers should use Safety and Health Committees at the workplace to examine and clearly identify the current situation and problems relating to the promotion of mental health care at workplaces and to formulate a fundamental programme focusing on the following:-

a) identification of problems at workplaces related to poor mental which needs to be addressed;
b) securing the necessary resources to develop the mental health care programme;
c) improving the work environment;
d) taking steps for mental health promotion involving the employees;
e) remove all forms of discrimination against persons who have recovered from mental illness so that they can be successfully reintegrated into society just as we want to see rehabilitated drug dependants get back into the mainstream of society;
f) making available an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which can provide both prevention and early intervention for employee problems related to mental health, stress and emotional issues which affect job performance. Funds expended on EAPs have documented investment returns in such areas as productivity and work performance. Companies are finding that investing in employee’ emotional well-being can mean a healthier bottom line.

Promoting mental health requires joint efforts between the government and relevant NGOs as well as volunteers working in unison to promote mental well-being. A comprehensive community mental health programme is therefore needed to encourage the community to be better informed about mental health issues and how they can play an effective role in promoting mental health and helping the mentally ill.

Sharing existing resources with relevant government agencies and NGOs, mental health professionals, volunteers and community leaders is necessary to address the needs of people with mental health problems.

The shift of focus from institutionalized care to Community Mental Health service is the direction of future psychiatric services. The national mental health policy advocates community participation in the planning, management and evaluation of community based activities.

Ke arah aduan sifar

Surat Kepada Pengarang

Imej sesebuah kerajaan, sebahagian besarnya, di tentukan oleh kualiti, sikap dan perlakuan kakitangan kerajaan.

Malaysia amat bernasib baik kerana mempunyai kakitangan perkhidmatan awam yang baik secara umumnya, yang telah menyumbangkan bakti yang besar terhadap pembangunan negara sejak dari mula mendapat kemerdekaan dahulu.

Orang ramai secara umumnya telah mengetahui dan memahami peranan perkhidmatan awam yang telah memberikan perkhidmatan yang cemerlang terhadap pembangunan negara dan meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan rakyat.

Walaubagaimanapun, seperti juga semua organisasi, terdapat ruang untuk peningkatan didalam perkhidmatan awam untuk menjadikannya lebih efisyen, berkesan, bertanggung-jawab, dan telus.

Kakitangan perkhidmatan awam perlu memberi tumpuan kepada bagaimana mereka dapat memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada masyarakat. Mereka perlu peka terhadap semua aduan dari orang ramai. Apabila masyarakat menjadi lebih maju, rakyat menjadi lebih prihatin terhadap hak mereka dan mereka menaruh harapan yang lebih tinggi terhadap mutu perkidmatan awam yang lebih baik dan cemerlang.

Sementara kita mengharapkan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik dari kakitangan perkhidmatan awam, mereka juga perlu diberikan imbuhan yang adil dan sesuai dengan kemampuan kerajaan.

Etika dan nilai moral yang baik adalah amat penting sekiranya kita mahu pentadbiran yang bersih, berkesan, dan telus. Kakitangan awam hendaklah membangunkan satu budaya yang menjurus kepada pembentukan perkhidmatan awam yang bukan sahaja berdedikasi, efisyen, dan berkesan, tetapi juga memberi penekanan kepada integriti pengurusan.

Utuk mencapai objektif ini, adalah penting diujudkan satu budaya yang mendukung disiplin, etika, bertanggung-jawab dan telus. Moral, etika dan integriti bukan sahaja penting kepada kakitangan awam, tetapi juga kepada sektor swasta dan masyarakat keseluruhanya.

Cadangan saya kepada kakitangan awam ialah supaya mereka meneruskan perjalanan yang sudah hampir sampai, dan berusaha untuk mencapai kecemerlangan didalam perkhidmatan awam.

Masanya sudah sampai kepada semua jabatan, agensi, dan pihak berkuasa awam untuk berusaha kearah aduan sifar didalam usaha untuk meningkatkan tahap efisyenan dan kecemerlangan didalam perkhidmatan awam.

Ketua jabatan dan pihak berkuasa awam hendaklah sensitif terhadap aduan dan cadangan mengenai jabatan masing-masing dan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya.

Rakyat mempunyai peranan di dalam pembangunan perkhidmatan awam yang bermutu tinggi. Dengan memberikan maklumbalas dan cadangan, mereka boleh memainkan peranan untuk meningkatkan perlaksanaan sistem perkhidmatan awam yang cemerlang di dalam Negara kita.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Perpaduan dan Keamanan harus dikekalkan

Surat Kepada Pengarang

Kenyataan Khas oleh Majlis Raja-Raja yang dibuat sebelum mesyuarat Majlis tersebut pada Khamis lalu, adalah sesuatu yang sangat bermakna memandangkan terdapat banyak kontroversi yang ditimbulkan oleh ahli-ahli politik tertentu yang mencetuskan kebimbangan mengenai hak dan perlindungan kepada semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.

Kenyataan tersebut yang menyentuh isu Kontrak Sosial, keperluan untuk
menghormati Perlembagaan, hak semua kaum, kedudukan raja-raja, status agama Islam dan Bahasa Malaysia dan lain-lain, adalah merupakan peringatan yang tepat pada masanya untuk kita semua mengenai tanggung-jawab kita terhadap perpaduan, keamanan dan keharmonian yang sangat penting kepada kejayaan dan kemakmuran negara kita yang berbilang kaum, ugama dan budaya ini.

Kepada saya ia adalah kenyataan mutlak yang menegaskan kesucian Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan peringatan terhadap jaminan yang terkandungan didalamnya kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.

Kenyataan yang datang dari Majlis Raja-Raja sendiri yang merupakan pelindung kepada Negara, adalah merupakan peringatan kepada mereka-mereka yang berterusan mengungkit-ungkit isu yang berbau perkauman yang boleh menjejaskan keamanan dan keharmonian di dalam negara kita.

Intipati dari kenyataan tersebut adalah mesej mengenai perpaduan, keamanan dan keharmonian yang amat diperlukan, yang tidak boleh diambil mudah walaupun telah 51 tahun kita menjadi Negara yang merdeka.

Janganlah kita menggugat apa yang kita telah capai setakat ini melalui semangat persefahaman dan tolak ansur. Janganlah kita benarkan sikap keterlaluan dan keganasan dalam bentuk apa pun memecah belahkan negara yang amat kita semua sayangi, tempat kita dilahirkan, tempat kita tinggal dan bekerja dan akhirnya tempat kita bersemadi nanti.

Benarkan saya menekankan sekali lagi asas-asas yang menyatukan kita bersama iaitu prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung didalam Rukunegara.

Rukunegara diujudkan pada tahun 1970 dengan tujuan untuk mencapai persetujuan paling minima terhadap aspirasi nasional dikalangan rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri dari pelbagai kaum, keturunan dan kebudayaan.

Selain dari meningkatkan perpaduan dikalangan rakyat, mengekalkan sistem demokrasi sebagai cara hidup, mewujudkan masyarakat yang adil, pendekatan yang liberal terharap budaya, disamping membangunkan masyarakat yang progresif berorientasikan sains dan teknologi; Rukunegara juga merupakan panduan sosial didalam bentuk prinsip-prinsip berikut:

i. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
ii. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
iii. Keluhuran Perlembagaan
iv. Kedaulatan Undang-undang
v. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

Prinsip-prinsip ini yang telah berjaya menyatukan rakyat berbagai kaum dan agama dinegara ini dan menjadi prinsip kenegaraan kita, perlu disemaikan kepada generasi muda kita yang akan menjadi pemimpin dimasa akan datang.

Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukunegara adalah merupakan panduan kepada kita didalam membangunkan negara dan perlu dihormati oleh semua. Ia adalah wawasan yang dikongsi bersama untuk perpaduan nasional.

Dimasa akan datang usaha terhadap mewujudkan dan mengekalkan perpaduan nasional perlu diberikan keutamaan yang paling tinggi kerana perpaduan adalah kritikal untuk memastikan pertumbuhan Malaysia sebagai negara yang selamat, aman, progresif dan bersatu.

Perpaduan adalah hadiah yang sangat berharga dan merupakan simbol kepada kemanusiaan kita. Ia merupakan asas untuk kita membangunkan hubungan, keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. Ia merupakan ikatan yang menyatukan kita sebagai sebuah negara.

Marilah kita menjemput semua rakyat Malaysia untuk membina perpaduan. Kita mesti mulakan dengan satu suara yang merangkumi semua rakyat Malaysia dari pelbagai keturunan. Kita semua menyumbang kepada kestabilan dan ekonomi negara. Marilah kita semua memberikan komitment untuk meningkatkan budaya aman, harmoni dan bersatu.

Perpaduan merupakan benang yang rapuh dan mudah putus, atau sauh yang kuat yang menyatukan negara. Terpulanglah kepada kita untuk membuat pilihan.

Never take Unity and Peace for granted

Letter to Editor

The Special Statement issued by the Conference of Rulers, prior to its meeting last Thursday, is of great significance considering the many controversies emanating from certain politicians which have given rise to serious concerns about the rights and safeguards for all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion.

The Statement which touched on the Social Contract, the need to respect the Federal Constitution, the rights of all communities, the position of the Rulers, status of Islam and Bahasa Malaysia etc, is indeed a timely reminder to everyone about his or her responsibility to ensure unity, peace and harmony which are essential for the success and prosperity of our multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation.

To me it is a categorical statement to reaffirm the sacrosanctity of the Federal Constitution and a reminder of the constitutional guarantees accorded to all Malaysians.

Coming from the Rulers themselves who are the esteemed guardians of the Nation, the Statement should serve as a caution to those who are constantly engaged in sabre-ratting over race and religions issues which may be detrimental to peace and harmony in our multi racial nation.

The essence of the Statement is a much needed message of unity, peace and harmony which must never be taken for granted despite 51 years of independence and nationhood.

Let us not jeopardize what we have achieved so far through the spirit of understanding and accommodation. Let us not allow extremism and violence in whatever form divide the nation which we all love and care for as this is our birthplace, our home, our workplace and eventually our final rest destination.

Allow me to stress once again the very fundamentals that have brought us together which are the very principles contained in the Rukunegara.

The Rukunegara was formulated in 1970 and sets out to achieve a form of minimum consensus with regard to national aspirations among the various communities in Malaysia regardless of their geographical location or ethnic character.

Apart from achieving greater unity among the people; maintaining a democratic way of life; creation of a just society; a liberal approach to cultural traditions; as well as building a progressive society oriented to modern science and technology; the Rukunegara also sets out a social guide in the form of the following principles;

i. Belief in God
ii. Loyalty to the King and Country
iii. Upholding the Constitution
iv. Rule of Law, and
v. Good Social Behaviour and Morality

These principles, which have enabled Malaysia to unite her multi-racial and multi-religious people and form the principles of our nationhood should be embedded in our younger generation who are the future leaders of this country.

The Federal Constitution and Rukunegara are our guide for nation-building and should be respected by all. It is a shared vision for national unity.

In the days ahead the creation and sustenance of national unity must be given the highest priority for unity is vital to ensure the continued growth of Malaysia as a secure, peaceful, progressive and united nation.

Unity is a priceless gift and a symbol of our humanity. It is the foundation upon which we build relationships, families, communities and a nation. It is the bond that seals our nationhood.

Let us include every Malaysian in the building of unity. We must start speaking with one voice, one that is inclusive of Malaysians of every ethnic background. We all contribute to the stability and economic prosperity of the country. Let us all be committed to promote a culture of peace, harmony and unity.

Unity can be a fragile thread that breaks easily. Or it can be a powerful anchor that holds steady the nation. The choice is ours to make.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

frequent cybercafés

Letter to Editor

A group of parents wrote to me recently expressing their concern over addiction to cyber-fantasy by many youngsters who frequent cybercafés to play computer games.

More and more youngsters frequent cybercafés to play games on the excuse of relaxation or taking a break from the pressure of school lessons and tuition.

According to the parents, instead of drugs these youngsters get addicted to cyber games.

Not long ago, it was widely reported in the media that primary and secondary school students in school uniform were found in certain cybercafés in Kuala Lumpur and in Ipoh following checks conducted by the Education Department.

This is the reality today. More and more young people are getting addicted to cyber-fantasy. And this is a problem that the schools, parents and the authorities concerned have to deal with.

There is nothing wrong playing computer games to relax but this should be done in moderation. Any form of addiction is not good particularly for students who have to study and sit for examinations.

What will be most undesirable is when addiction to computer games leads to gambling as this will be the root cause to many evils.

Electronic gambling must not be allowed and our youngsters must not get involved.

While I am not against cybercafés, regulations governing them, especially over their location and enforcement must be tightened in order to avoid social ills emanating from such places.

How is it that operators of such cybercafés allow students into their premises when the notice on the door clearly stipulate that students in uniform should stay out.

Cybercafés are mushrooming all over the country and local authorities which issue licenses to these operators are not able to monitor the social implications arising from these operations.

To expect the cybercafé operators to be ethical and self-regulate to prevent those under 18 from patronizing these cybercafés is well nigh impossible taking into account their pecuniary interests.

All local authorities should ensure that cybercafés operators comply with the conditions of the licences such as operating within reasonable hours and not allowing the underaged.

Cybercafés should not be located close to schools and institutions of learning.

While we welcome the ICT Age, we must also ensure that the young generation will be protected from the negative influence that information technology bring about.

With the emergence of the smart learning environment acquiring knowledge and information must be done with adequate moral education.

While we need to produce intelligent and computer savvy workers in this ICT age, this should be achieved without sacrificing or ignoring the need to inculcate noble and moral values.

With the advent of borderless information more stress must be given to the inculcation of moral values in education so as to prevent the emergence of more computer crimes.

isu “pasti punca stres anggota polis”

Surat kepada Pengarang

Penulisan Dr. Sapora Sipon Pensyarah Kanan dari Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) dalam UTUSAN MALAYSIA baru-baru ini mengenai isu “pasti punca stres anggota polis” meminati saya sebagai Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH).

Menurut Dr. Sapora Sipon peristiwa seorang anggota polis melepaskan 58 das tembakan ke udara dikaitkan dengan tekanan perasaan.

Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat penulis bahawa peristiwa yang berkenaan ada berkaitan dengan tekanan atau stres.

Sebenarnya tekanan atau stres di kalangan anggota polis bukanlah sesuatu isu baru.

Sepertimana yang kita memahami memang benar bahawa kajian yang dilakukan membuktikan tugasan dan pekerjaan polis terdedah kepada unsur tekanan atau stres.

Bidang tugas kepolisan adalah amat mencabar dan menjadi semakin pelbagai. Jadi isu kesihatan mental anggota polis perlu diberi perhatian sewajarnya kerana produktiviti seseorang anggota bergantung kepada kesihatan mental-nya.

Saya amat prihatin dengan aspek kebajikan polis. Dalam hubungan ini saya berpendapat bahawa selain dari membayar anggota polis gaji dan elaun yang munasabah, aspek kesihatan mental harus juga diberikan perhatian berat.

Program untuk membantu anggota polis yang mengalami stres atau tekanan harus dipertingkatkan. Program tersebut bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti anggota yang tertekan dan diikuti dengan memberi kaunselling dan lain-lain kemudahan kepada mereka.

Tidak ada tempat kerja yang terkecuali dari masalah penyakit mental pekerja dan kesanya dari segi psikologi, sosial, dan ekonomi adalah tinggi. Kesihatan mental tidak lagi boleh diabaikan, sebaliknya ia perlu diberikan perhatian yang memadai sama seperti isu pengurusan lain di dalam sebuah organisasi.

Masalah penyakit mental, terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan tekanan jiwa atau ”stress” di kalangan pekerja di Malaysia termasuk kakitangan PDRM, adalah merupakan perkara yang serius dan perlu diberikan perhatian segera di tempat kerja supaya masalah seperti kemurungan, penyakit mental dan gangguan jiwa dapat dielakkan.

Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) berpendapat langkah-langkah segera perlu diambil oleh majikan, pekerja dan juga pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan, untuk mengatasi masalah mental dan kesihatan di tempat kerja.

Dalam kontek ini pihak Kerajaan perlu memperkenalkan garis panduan untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental di tempat kerja supaya dapat menyumbang kepada kesihatan dan produktiviti pekerja secara mental dan juga fisikal yang lebih baik.

Modal yang digunakan untuk Program Bantuan telah terbukti memberi pulangan dari segi peningkatan produktiviti dan prestasi kerja. Kerajaan harus sedar penanaman modal untuk kebajikan kesihatan mental anggota polis membawa pulangan yang baik.

Pendidikan dan promosi ke atas kesihatan mental, yang bertujuan untuk mengekang peningkatan masalah psikososial di kalangan anggota polis, adalah amat penting, selari dengan aspirasi kita untuk menjadi negara maju yang sudah semestinya akan memberi tekanan hebat kepada kita untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab dalam kehidupan seharian kita.

Gangguan mental dan penyakit mental yang lain adalah satu peringatan pahit di dalam kehidupan kita yang tidak sepatutnya kita abaikan di dalam usaha kita untuk mencapai tahap negara maju.



NIOSH Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today called on all public transport operators to adopt a PROACTIVE APPROACH TO MANAGING OCCUPATIONAL ROAD RISK and help prevent more human tragedies on our roads.

The latest tragedy in which a bus crashed into a gantry at the Skudai toll plaza, resulting in the death of the bus driver and injury of several other passengers, has clearly shattered public confidence on road safety in respect of public transport.

In the past several fatal accidents had occurred involving public transport vehicles and this latest will not be the last until everyone is committed to a road-safety culture.

The Bus Operator concerned has to conduct its own investigation besides the probe carried out by the relevant government authorities and take a very serious view of the tragedy.

At a time when the relevant authorities are addressing with utmost seriousness the issue of road safety to reduce road accidents, injuries and fatalities, employers have a moral obligation to adopt a proactive approach to managing occupational road risk.

In helping to meet the national road safety target, to bring Malaysia’s road fatality rate down by 40% within the next five years and help reduce the current rate of 4.9 deaths per 10,000 vehicles to 3 deaths per 10,000 vehicles by 2010 and 2 deaths per 10,000 vehicles by the year 2020, employers should do all that is reasonably practicable not only to ensure the road safety of their employees but also that of the passengers and the public.

Employers must undertake to change the driving attitude and behaviour of their employees. They must ensure the use of safe vehicles, provide driver training to prevent road accidents while ensuring that drivers with bad records must be kept away from the wheels.

Employers also have a duty to protect their employees and other road users by adopting the approach of managing road risk in order to control the very significant business losses which arise from ‘at work’ road accidents, including not only direct accident costs, but lost staff time, higher insurance premiums and poor public image.

No business can afford to leave the safety performance of its vehicle fleet to chance. Money and lives can be at stake. Every journey should be a managed journey, not something to be treated casually or left to chance. Unless an organisation has a planned approach towards managing occupational road risk and is monitoring what it is doing, more accidents will occur and more innocent lives will be lost on our roads.

Resources which would otherwise be profitably utilised for the business will have to be expended on dealing with the aftermath of accidents. The message is clear and that is manage your occupational road risk and make your business more profitable. Employers should always review the road safety standards of their organisations.

Companies which take action to promote occupational safety and prevent accidents will achieve major cost savings, improve their image and make a significant contribution to meeting road safety targets. Employers who are concerned with the safety and well-being of their employees and the public can help to address the problem of tragic road accidents by means of the following :-

• Establish a written policy requiring drivers and motorcyclists to undergo safe driving practices, proper use of vehicle safety features and mandatory refresher courses;

• Conduct driver’s licence background checks on prospective drivers before they are hired, particularly regarding drug offences;

• Ensure that drivers in their employ comply with designated speed limits on roadways and other traffic regulations.

• Ensure and establish written procedures in respect of proper maintenance of all vehicles owned by the employers.

• Establish schedules that allow drivers to obey speed limits and limit their hours of service according to regulations. Do not permit workers to drive while fatigued.

• Work towards the right behavioural and attitudinal change and develop a road safety culture.

I need to emphasize the importance of adequate and proper safety training for employees. It is crucial that employers provide their staff the necessary know-how for them to execute their jobs safely and efficiently. Besides employees, employers too stand to benefit from a safe working environment as it not only reduces loss of man-hours and cost, but increases productivity and profitability as well as to enhance the image of the company.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I refer to the NST report (Sept 27 2008) captioned “Boy dies in school accident”

I refer to the NST report (Sept 27 2008) captioned “Boy dies in school accident”.

A Form Five student was killed in a bizarre incident in the study room of his boarding school when the wall collapsed on him at SMK Datuk Harun in Tanjung Karang, Selangor.

This is not the first time such a fatal accident occurred in a school.

Over the years a number of fatal accidents had occurred in schools involving innocent school students.

In the wake of latest tragedy, it is all the more urgent for the Education Ministry to emphasize and implement a Safety and Health Policy for all schools and make them safe and healthy places of work for teachers, students and visitors alike.

A matter of utmost concern is that of the quality of construction of the school wall by the contractor concerned.

This latest tragic accident should be thoroughly investigated and action be taken against those responsible.

The subject of “safe schools” should not be confined only to aspects concerning indiscipline, crime, threats to the safety of students, bullying and gangster-like behaviour etc but also matters concerning the safety of school buildings, classrooms, equipment and all available amenities in schools. In short the aspect concerning occupational safety and health in schools should be looked into.

In this regard, there is a need for schools to be aware of the existence and importance of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and its application to educational institutions in the interest of safety and health.

The application of the Act to the schools as “the place of work” aims to make all schools safe and healthy places of work for teachers, students or visitors alike.

In line with the provisions in the Act, it is the duty of the employers (school management) to formulate a safety and health policy for the school, implement risk prevention through safety and health inspection and safety and health auditing of schools to identify weaknesses and shortcomings and to decide on remedial measures in the interest of safety and health at the workplaces.

Through safety and health training and education as well as safety and health promotion, every school will be more aware of the potential safety and health hazards in all parts of the school such as the classrooms, walls and pillars, school laboratories etc and be more capable of dealing with them.

Ensuring that all schools and educational institutions take an active interest in safety and health will also benefit the students who can learn more about safety and health and be safety conscious from an early and receptive age. This will benefit them greatly when they enter the work-environment.