Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini terdapat beberapa kemalangan dan kecederaan berlaku di premis sekolah dan sebahagiannya dilaporkan dalam media. Insiden dan kemalangan ini melibatkan guru, pekerja sekolah dan juga pelajar.

Dalam usaha untuk mewujudkan kesedaran dan mempromosikan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan, NIOSH yang ditubuhkan di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia telah memperkenalkan program keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di sekolah atau OSH di Sekolah dengan tujuan untuk menjadikan sekolah-sekolah sebagai tempat yang selamat dan sihat untuk para guru, pekerja sekolah, pelajar dan juga pelawat.

NIOSH telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mengeluarkan Buku Panduan Program Keselamatan dan kesihatan Pekerjaan di Sekolah. Buku ini diharap dapat dijadikan rujukan asas oleh pihak sekolah dalam menerapkan aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan di peringkat sekolah.

Buku panduan ini sebenarnya diterbitkan dengan tujuan memberi maklumat dan panduan secara am dalam membangunkan program keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di sekolah. Antara lain, buku panduan ini memberikan maklumat tentang cara-cara bagaimana untuk menimbulkan kesedaran dan latihan berkenaan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan kepada guru, kakitangan sekolah dan para pelajar.

Buku panduan ini juga memberi maklumat mengenai keselamatan di makmal, pejabat dan kantin, keselamatan ketika bersukan, keselamatan dari terjatuh, keselamatan pemakanan di kantin, kesihatan dan kebersihan diri, pengosongan bangunan waktu kecemasan dan pertolongan kecemasan.

Rancangan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan bukanlah perkara yang baru bagi sekolah. Sebelum ini Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan beberapa projek berunsurkan keselamatan dan kesihatan termasuk Panduan Pengurusan 3K sebagai pemangkin kepada matlamat sekolah yang sihat, bersih dan selamat di seluruh negara.

Konsep OSH in School walaupun hampir serupa dengan program yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran bercadang untuk membawa suatu dimensi tambahan terhadap keselamatan di sekolah.

Ia melihat sekolah sebagai sebuah tempat atau premis kerja yang melibatkan para guru dan kakitangan sekolah. Sebagai tempat kerja, sekolah juga tertakluk kepada Akta Keselamatan dan kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSHA 1994).

Pelaksanaan peraturan-peraturan OSHA di sekolah adalah untuk memastikan supaya sekolah adalah tempat yang selamat dan terhindar daripada sebarang gejala yang boleh menjejaskan kesihatan para guru, kakitangan sekolah, pelajar mahu pun pelawat.

Tunggak utama terhadap perlaksanaan program ini adalah :

- Memastikan keselamatan, kesihatan dan kebajikan setiap pekerja di sekolah;
- Memastikan sesiapa sahaja yang berada di tempat kerja (di sekolah) diawasi dan dijaga keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka iaitu para pelajar serta pelawat di sekolah berkenaan;
- Mewujudkan suasana tempat kerja yang selamat dan sihat termasuklah (di pejabat, makmal, asrama, kantin, tandas, padang dan sebagainya) sesuai dengan keperluan fisiologi dan psikologi para pekerja dan sesiapa sahaja yang berada di sekolah.

Kesedaran OSH tidak seharusnya ditumpukan kepada guru-guru dan kakitangan sekolah, malah ianya harus juga melibatkan pelajar-pelajar di sekolah. Kesedaran terhadap OSH boleh dilakukan melalui pengurusan OSH di sekolah masing-masing menerusi perlaksanaan program OSH di sekolah ini.

Di samping itu, program tersebut ini dapat memupuk budaya selamat dan sihat di kalangan para pelajar sekolah sejak awal lagi supaya mereka akan menjadi sumber tenaga manusia atau modal insan yang senantiasa prihatin terhadap aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan.

Pendedahan awal ini akan membantu generasi muda negara membentuk budaya kerja selamat dan sihat. Guru-guru adalah merupakan orang yang penting di dalam menerapkan kesedaran terhadap kepentingan OSH di kalangan pelajar.

Berlandaskan matlamat inilah pihak NIOSH merasakan program pelancaran buku panduan yang diadakan ini merupakan usahasama kami dan Syarikat Exxonmobil dalam menyumbang kepada ”PEMBENTUKAN BUDAYA KERJA SELAMAT DAN SIHAT” khususnya di kalangan generasi akan datang dan secara amnya kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat kita.











Crime Counselling Programme

Counselling programmes involving family institutions and the promotion of good noble values are in great need today than ever before.

Noble values must continue to be preserved and nurtured to act as a shield against the various social ills plaguing the society.

When a nation progresses the family institution could be the first victim with children not getting enough attention and guidance leading to the emergence of various social ills affecting our teenagers.

A dilemma facing Malaysian parents today is really how to strike a balance between their working career and nurturing their children made more complicated by demanding employers who make their staff stay back late to get work finished.

Another problem is also perhaps due to lack of parenting skills which has to be addressed.

The fact is that parents are busy with their career and are not able to spend quality time with their children with the result that thousands of urban children are left to the whims and mindsets of foreign maids, baby-sitters and in some cases relatives.

Children who return from schools find themselves in empty homes as both their parents are out at work. There is no one around to show parental love, teach and inculcate in the children good family values.

Instead of seeking guidance from parents these children do so from their peers. With negative peer pressure an environment will exist which will eventually lead to various social ills.

Children who grow up in such environment will end up in becoming the victims of many social ills like truancy, violence in schools, drug abuse and even crimes.

If this problem is not addressed it will result in a serious divide between children and parents and an increase in social problems and crime involving young people.

Parents must be prepared to make an effort to spend quality time with their children. Children need parental love and without it their lives will be destroyed as they will neither understand nor appreciate love and family ties later in their lives.

Parents must be increasingly concerned about the quality of family life and must constantly take steps to instill into their children the basic moral values needed to build the foundation of a strong, stable and cohesive society.

What is also needed is a continuous programme of moral strengthening and reinforcement to make the children aware of their responsibilities to themselves, their parents, the community and the nation.

The world today is confronted with a very disturbing phenomenon. Wherever modernization and economic development takes place and results in a better standard of living, new problems, such as a decline in human values and moral degradation, occur.

To arrest the situation, a massive programme of inculcating values is required at all levels for children, youths and teenagers.

Values such as obedience, filial piety, respect for elders, patience and tolerance, truth, responsibilities, honour, etc need to be emphasized.

Strong human values along with strong families are key to building a peaceful and stable community which will then lead to a strong and stable nation.

The need for these has never been greater than today.

Snatch Theft Problems

The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) calls for the inculcation and adoption of an anti-crime culture among all Malaysians to make our communities free from crime.

This involves education, awareness creation and prevention which must be done in schools, educational institutions, work places, voluntary organizations and the public as a whole.

The MCPF welcomes the on-going campaign against snatch thieves involving the various branches of the police force.

While more uniformed personnel are being deployed for street patrols to fight snatch thefts and road-side robberies, there is also a need to tackle the problem at source.

The fact has been established that most snatch thieves are drug addicts who need to support their habit.

The MCPF feels that there should be profiling of snatch thieves so that we will know their background and why they are into it.

If we are to deal with the problem of snatch thieves at source we need to tackle the problem of drug addicts. As long as this problem is not resolved, many drug-related crimes will continue to occur.

Providing employment to rehabilitated drug addicts to keep them away from crime is therefore crucial. If they do not have employment they will continue to be involved in petty crimes such as snatch thefts.

I therefore suggest to both the government and the private sector to look into the employment of rehabilitated drug addicts and help to re-integrate them into society so that they can get settled down and do not have to live a life of crime.

In the meanwhile, the MCPF calls on law enforcement agencies, including local authorities and NGOs to work with one mind and commitment to fight the snatch-thief scourge which is a bane in our society.

Various measures should be considered for implementation and these include:-

a. The police should make available more manpower and resources to nab snatch thieves throughout the country.

b. All local authorities should introduce initiatives and implement the guidelines under the safe city concept to provide safety features such as constructing barriers to separate pedestrian walkways and roads.

c. Pedestrians must enhance their vigilance against snatch thieves and put into practice the guidelines provided by the MCPF and the Police as to how they can prevent snatch thefts.

d. The public must go all out and give help to victims to nab snatch thieves and hand them over to the authorities.

e. More stringent punishment must be meted out to those convicted of snatch thefts commensurate with the seriousness of the offence.

Managing Occupational Safety And Health Towards Business Competitiveness

The Chairman of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, (NIOSH) emphasized today the importance of Managing Occupational Safety and Health Towards Business Competitiveness and called on employers to see training as an INVESTMENT and not an EXPENSE.

There is a need to turn the current thinking on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) from a negative to a positive one and take a rational and practical approach in addressing the management of this issue.

Management or employers must recognise OSH of employees as an integral part of business management. Concerns for the bottom line must be looked at with equal gravity with OSH issues at the workplace. After all they are both concerned with the viability of the business enterprise.

Employees are often regarded by management to be the most important asset of any organization. Hence, it makes sense that this particular asset should be protected in terms of health and safety and nurtured to ensure that it continues to be productive.

In any business enterprise, the issue of preserving and retaining the employees is most urgent. Management must now step back and take a hard look at their asset and actively show how much they value their employees with a responsible OSH Policy backed up by the necessary organisation and systems to implement accident prevention programmes.

Many people are not conscious of the importance of occupational safety and health (OSH) until an accident, injury or fatality occurs.

There are industries which do not want to invest in safety and health at the workplace because of the cost factor.

They do not seem to realize that if accidents or fatalities occur due to their disregard for OSH the costs they have to bear will even be much heavier.

Safety is Good Business

Common sense tells us that “Safety is Good Business”. If industries give priority to safety issues at the workplace it will certainly be beneficial to the business.

There must be greater commitment by industries, particularly the SMI/Es to adopt a work-safety culture and do more to prevent or minimize industrial accidents through good OSH practices.

OSH training for SMIs is of paramount importance and SMI operators should see training as an investment and not an expense.
In the global economy OSH issues are among the key determinants to a company’s competitiveness through productivity enhancement and efficiency.

Observations and evidence had shown that an increase in productivity and an improvement in workplace environment were the results of good safety and health work practices and the adoption of a work safety culture.

OSH must therefore be treated as an investment and not an expense and this is in line with the maxim that ‘SAFETY IS GOOD BUSINESS’.

Compromising OSH Incurs Additional Costs

NIOSH is aware that the present economic hardship and uncertainty experienced by Malaysia and elsewhere has had a significant impact on our industries as a whole.

Many companies have had to tighten their budgets. This measure is unavoidable. However, in the process, a number of questions come to mind:

a) Should a company cut back on the safety and health budget in the workplace during this economic downturn ?

b) Is this a logical or viable step to take ?

If you stop to think for a moment, compromising safety and health at the workplace is tantamount to incurring additional costs to a company. Why do I say that ? Can a company afford to :

1) Have an unwanted accident which might disrupt production ?

2) Be distracted with having to investigate the accident whereas it should be occupied with other scheduled productive duties ;

3) And in the worst case scenario, be issued with a stop-work order where productivity will be affected.

These are few examples of what accidents can do to the bottomline and productivity of a company.

So how do we address OSH issues in these difficult times?

The answer lies in the development of a “good OSH management system.” This responsibility lies with the management team, which must accord serious attention to the aspect of how to manage OSH appropriately.
The very objective of good OSH management is to provide the required investment in terms of commitment – financial, human resources and equipment in systematic OSH strategies – in order to secure the highest rate of return on investment such as zero accident without jeopardising the company’s overall profit performance.

Good OSH management is therefore an integral part of a good overall company management system.

Occupational safety and health should not be seen as a profit-sapping factor for the management of industries, but be regarded as a productivity booster. Industries must realize that accident prevention is no longer a fringe benefit but a prerequisite to a profitable operation.

Industries and employers must realize that four fundamental factors justify OSH management. These are, corporate social responsibility, social and moral obligation, good business sense and legal obligation.

Common sense tells us that effective OSH management not only reduces the risk to safety and health but also ensure high returns to the company in terms of productivity and profitability.

Managing OSH is not only essential for business competitiveness but also ensuring the well-being of the workforce.

Statistics on Industrial Accidents

Since the introduction of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) in 1994, the number of accidents at workplaces has shown a significant reduction. According to statistics compiled by the Ministry of Human Resources, the number of industrial accidents reported to SOCSO and the Labour Department for all sectors decreased from 86,589 in 1997 to 56,339 in 2007. This is a substantial reduction of over 35 percent over a period of ten years.

Although there is a decline in the average number of industrial accidents from 10 per 1,000 workers in 1997 to 6.8 in 2007, we should strive against the benchmark of developed countries which only have 3-4 accidents per 1,000 workers.

However, this does not mean that there is room for complacency. As Malaysia moves towards industrialised nation status, we must continue to strategise new approaches to meet the challenges of occupational safety and health.
Seen from an overall perspective, occupational health should be defined as the promotion of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations.

Jangan Lindungi Papan Tanda

Saya merujuk kepada laporan dalam muka “SURAT & E-MEL” bertarikh 16hb Disember yang memaparkan suatu gambar bertajuk “Papan Tanda jalan terlindung pokok” menyebabkan pemandu terutama dari luar kawasan sukar mencari jalan ke Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan.

Sebenarnya masalah tersebut bukan sahaja wujud di Seremban. Masalah ini boleh dilihat di merata-rata tempat di seluruh negara.

Yang mendukacitakan orang ramai ialah banyak pihak berkuasa bertanggungjawab tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan untuk mengatasinya demi kepentingan orang ramai.

Masalah ini wujud disebabkan oleh kekurangan penyenggaraan oleh penguasa tempatan atau pihak yang berkenaan yang gagal memotong daun dan dahan yang menutupi papan-tanda jalan tersebut.

Memang benar pokok ditanam ditepi jalan untuk penghijauan dan lanskap di tepi jalan. Tetapi ia boleh menyebabkan kesulitan kepada pemandu terutamanya mereka yang tidak biasa dengan jalan tersebut apabila papan-tanda jalan dilindungi oleh pokok-pokok atau dahan tersebut dari penglihatan pemandu.

Apa yang lebih serius ialah papan-tanda yang terselindung tersebut boleh mendatangkan masaalah keselamatan dan menyebabkan kemalangan.

Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada semua majlis tempatan dan pihak-pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan supaya melakukan penyenggaraan yang sepatutnya kepada kemudahan awam kita dengan memastikan papan-tanda jalan raya kita tidak dilindungi dari penglihatan pemandu.
Saya sering menyatakan bahawa budaya penyenggaraan tidak pernah menjadi kekuatan atau kelebihan kita walaupun Malaysia dikenali sebagai negara membangun yang mempunyai prasarana kelas dunia pertama.

Pada tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini kita telah membelanjakan berbilion ringgit untuk pembangunan tetapi apa yang dikesalkan ialah kekurangan penyenggaraan tehadap prasarana dan kemudahan awam tersebut.

Kita membangunkan dan menyediakan berbagai kemudahan awam tetapi kita selalu merasa kecewa apabila sampai kepada isu penyenggaraannya yang tidak memuaskan.









2009 New Year Wishes- Resolution for all Malaysians

At the start of the New Year let every Malaysian resolve to make Malaysia a safe place to live in- safe not only from terrorism, crime and violence but also from tragedies which are of our own doing whether they be on the roads, in residential and public areas or at workplaces.

In the days ahead it is essential for all Malaysians to take heed of one important lesson for humanity and this is civilization could be destroyed if it did not make peace with our environment.

The fact that landslides and road cave-ins are a frequent occurrence points to our failure to make the culture of maintenance and safety a way of life.

When buildings collapse or the environment is polluted or fatalities occur at workplaces we are responsible. We cannot simply blame Nature or the work tools.

We have to realize that any action that results in the degradation and destruction of our environment will have disastrous consequences.

Over the years, the government has spent billions on development but what is regrettable is the lack of maintenance. This has to be rectified and it must have the political will to do so. Those who are placed in charge must never shirk their responsibility.

On the political front it is vital for Malaysia to continue to exist as a united and peaceful nation with political stability despite the existence of divergent political ideologies and views.

Malaysians of all races wish to see the Government taking further steps to address the impact of the global economic downturn, maintain unity, peace and stability, uphold the rights of all Malaysians as guaranteed under the Constitution and strike a balance between economic and IT development with social and moral development.

We need to address more aggressively the issues of racial integration, unity and nation-building besides having to deal with crime, drug addiction and other social problems.

Above all it is the wish of all Malaysians in 2009 to see the authorities concerned do more to fight and prevent crime as this is the 2nd biggest concern of all Malaysians. Crime occurrence has become a major problem and there must be a New Year Resolution to bolster on-going efforts to fight crime with the involvement and participation of the entire Malaysian Community.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Proposal for PSD to accept rehabilitated drug addicts for appointment to suitable jobs in the public service sector

I welcome the Home Ministry’s proposal to have discussions with the Public Service Department to accept rehabilitated drug addicts for appointment to suitable jobs in the public service sector.

Such a move is long overdue. When I served as the Vice-President of Pemadam in the nineties, I had brought up the suggestion several times but it was not considered.

I have all along been of the view that both the public and private sectors should look into the employment of rehabilitated drug addicts and help to re-integrate them into society so that they can get settled down and do not have to be recidivists and live a life of crime.

Even as late as March this year I urged the government to set an example and help rehabilitated drug addicts to seek employment.

Instead of just urging society to give rehabilitated drug addicts a second chance, the government should lead by example and provide them suitable jobs in the public sector.

It is the right move for the Home Ministry to initiate discussions with the Public Service Department on the matter.

Presently the Public Service Department cannot accept rehabilitated drug addicts as the General Orders forbids hiring people with criminal records in the civil service.

But it is a matter which can be reconsidered by the Public Service Department, if it wants to, in the interest of assisting the rehabilitated drug addicts reintegrate into society.

Kes Ragut di Bkt Mertajam

Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia (MCPF) terpaksa meluahkan perasaan sedih dan kesal yang teramat terhadap mangsa ragut, Lim See Nya, 58, dari Lunas, Kedah yang telah meninggal dunia akibat di gilis lori selepas jatuh ketika beg tangannya diragut.

Tragedi mangsa ragut terkini ini harus dikecam sekeras-kerasnya oleh seluruh masyarakat Malaysia.

Tragedi seperti ini telah menimpa ramai mangsa ragut yang lain sejak beberapa tahun dahulu dan tidak akan berakhir sekiranya peragut dan penjenayah dibiarkan bebas berkeliaran.

Kejadian seperti ini harus dihentikan. Nyawa adalah kehilangan besar yang tidak ternilai.

MCPF menyarankan supaya Kerajaan menggunakan sepenuh kuasa yang ada untuk mengisytiharkan pembanterasan terhadap peragut dan membawa mereka ke muka keadilan.

Pihak Kerajaan dan pelbagai badan penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lain termasuk Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dan badan bukan Kerajaan (NGO) harus bekerjasama dengan satu matlamat serta komitmen untuk memerangi peningkatan peragut yang menjadi perosak di dalam masyarakat.

Pelbagai langkah harus dipertimbangkan untuk dilaksanakan dan ini termasuklah:

a. Pihak polis harus mengadakan lebih ramai anggota dan sumber-sumber untuk menangkap peragut di seluruh negara.

b. Semua PBT harus memperkenalkan inisiatif dan melaksanakan garis panduan di bawah konsep bandar selamat bagi menyediakan ciri-ciri keselamatan seperti membina pengadang untuk membahagikan laluan pejalan kaki dengan jalan raya.

c. Pejalan kaki harus lebih berjaga-jaga terhadap peragut dan mengamalkan garis panduan yang telah disediakan oleh MCPF dan pihak polis dalam mencegah kejadian ragut.

d. Orang awam pula harus bersedia untuk memberikan pertolongan kepada mangsa ragut dengan menangkap penjenayah dan menyerahkan mereka kepada pihak polis.

e. Hukuman yang lebih berat harus dilaksanakan ke atas peragut yang telah disabitkan termasuk hukuman penjara yang mandatori terhadap yang melakukan kesalahan dan mengakibatkan kematian mangsa ragut.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mental Health on Law Enforcement

As one who is actively involved in the promotion of good mental health, I am of the view that enforcing the law on attempted suicide as a form of deterrence is not the solution to handling cases of attempted suicides. It is the wrong panacea to deal with what is basically a mental problem which needs counseling and not law enforcement.

I share the response from various Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and the opinion of psychiatrists that using the law to deal with attempted suicide is not going to work. On the contrary it may even aggravate the problem as the victims concerned will be more driven to commit suicide.

It must be remembered that the victims are genuinely in need of help. Those who attempt suicides are in trouble, depressed and are having serious psychiatric disorders. The affected people need emotional support and counseling. Prosecuting them is just unthinkable.

Suicide is an emotional problem which must be sorted out appropriately.

Mental illness is a subject very few people wish to talk about but it is a reality which we have to grapple with. Amok and suicide cases reported in the media from time to time involving mentally sick persons, which are of concern to us, are tragic reminders of another side of life less talked about but nevertheless very real.

It is a reality which must not be overlooked or ignored in our quest to become a fully industrialized nation.

It is estimated that one in four family members is suffering from a mental disorder in Malaysia. Ten to fifteen of the cases are suicidal or could harm other people.

There is growing evidence of the global impact of mental illness. Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the burden of disease and disability worldwide.

The rapid social change and economic uncertainty arising from globalization will result in an increasing number of people subjected to anxiety, depression and mental stress in relation to their jobs and working lives.

The impact that mental illness inflicts on the workers, their families, workplaces and the community is immense and needs to be addressed.

No country or person is immune to mental disorders and their impact in psychological, social and economic terms is high. Mental health should no longer be ignored in our community. On the contrary it should be given adequate attention in relation to other health problems.

Mental health problems, especially stress-related ones among Malaysians are a matter of serious concern and need to be addressed urgently so that problems like depression, mental illness and psychiatric disorders can be avoided.

In line with this, it might be timely for the government to do more for mental health care and promotion. We need more psychologists and counsellors to provide care and attention.

Promoting mental health requires joint efforts between the government and relevant NGOs as well as volunteers working in unison to promote mental well-being. A comprehensive community mental health programme is therefore needed to encourage the community to be better informed about mental health issues and how they can play an effective role in promoting mental health and helping the mentally ill.


December 1 this year marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. Over the past 20 years, World AIDS Day has been established as one of the world’s most successful commemorative days. It is now recognised and observed by millions of people in more than 190 countries around the globe.

The theme STOP AIDS, KEEP THE PROMISE is an appeal to governments, policy-makers and regional health authorities to ensure that they meet the many targets that have been set in the fight against HIV and AIDS, and especially the promise of universal access to HIV treatment, care, support and prevention services by 2010.

This year marks the 22nd year since the first AIDS case was reported in Malaysia. Statistics released by the Ministry of Health recently showed that as of June 2008, a cumulative total of 82,704 HIV infected individuals were reported, of whom 14,133 were notified as AIDS cases and 10,783 have died.

While we have come a long way in addressing the HIV/AIDS pandemic, more needs to be done as we continue to see more people become infected and more children being left orphaned by this virus.

The Malaysian AIDS Council should be lauded for continuously taking on the lead role within the community to ensure the implementation of effective prevention, treatment and care programme against HIV.

However, this is one battle that cannot be won alone. The fight against HIV/AIDS as has been demonstrated the world over, can only be successful if there is a partnership and collaboration between different parties whether it is in the area of treatment, prevention or care. And no partnership is stronger than close collaboration between the government, corporate sector, NGOs and the community.

We need to re-commit ourselves to the Millennium Development Goal. The MDG is a UN initiative, ratified by all 189 member States of the United Nations in September 2000, for all nations to pursue a set of interconnected development goals by 2015. We are already halfway through the timeframe.

The MDG has 8 goals in all. Malaysia is now vigorously addressing a number of these goals such as eradicating hardcore poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, and ensuring environmental sustainability. However, up to 2006, Malaysia has yet to achieve one important goal, that is, to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. Without achieving this goal, Malaysia cannot claim to have successfully addressed the deadly disease.

The World AIDS Day celebration today is the perfect platform for us to renew this commitment and to show solidarity for children and adults living with HIV/AIDS as well as to raise awareness on the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection, fighting prejudice and improving education.

Kesedaran Awam Pendermaan Organ

Melalui statistik, yang diperolehi dari Pusat Sumber Transplan Nasional, bilangan tahunan pengikrar penderma organ mengalami aliran turun naik. Sebagai contoh, sejak daftar pengikrar penderma organ dibuka, pada tahun 2000, mencatatkan jumlah pengikrar tahunan tertinggi iaitu sebanyak 16,625 pengikrar. Manakala yang paling rendah adalah pada tahun 1998 iaitu hanya 2,264 pengikrar. Untuk tahun ini, setakat data 31 Oktober 2008 (untuk tahun 2008 sahaja), jumlah pengikrar adalah seramai 10,142 orang pengikrar. Jumlah keseluruhan yang berikrar menjadi Penderma sejak tahun 1997 sehingga kini adalah melebihi 120,900 orang, dimana 60 peratus adalah Orang Cina, 22 peratus Orang India, 12 peratus Orang Melayu dan 3 peratus lain-lain.

Baru-baru ini saya melancarkan KEMPEN MEDIA PENDERMAAAN ORGAN bermatlamat agar mesej mengenai kepentingan dan kesedaran masyarakat tentang Pendermaan Organ dapat disampaikan dengan lebih berkesan dan mampu mencapai tahap audien yang lebih luas. Kempen ini menyasarkan bilangan mereka yang berikrar akan bertambah dan sekurang-kurangnya masyarakat tahu mengenai apa itu yang dimaksudkan dengan pendermaan organ.

Penghasilan bahan-bahan kempen Media Pendermaan Organ yang merangkumi penerbitan komersial di televisyen, radio dan juga di akhbar-akhbar utama ini diharap dapat memberikan impak kesedaran kepada masyarakat umum bahawa masih ramai yang menanti organ untuk mereka meneruskan kehidupan.

Kempen media besar-besaran ini akan berterusan sehingga Februari 2009 dan keberkesanan kempen ini akan dinilai sendiri oleh pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sama ada ianya mampu mengubah persepsi dan kesedaran masyarakat tentang pendermaan organ.

Kes transplantasi organ dan tisu yang dijalankan di Malaysia hanyalah sebanyak 229 kes, sejak tahun 1976 hingga November 2008. Dan untuk tahun ini sahaja, kes yang dikendalikan hanyalah sebanyak 21 kes. Walhal yang menunggu untuk pendermaan organ melebihi 4,000 orang.

Kempen ini memberi tumpuan dan penekanan kepada pendermaan selepas kematian atau pendermaan Kadeverik. Tanpa program pendermaan kadeverik yang berjaya, pesakit-pesakit yang memerlukan jantung, paru-paru, dan mata tidak akan ada harapan.

Bayangkanlah kadar kematian di jalan raya di Negara kita adalah tinggi, 7,000 kematian dicatatkan akibat kemalangan di jalan raya setiap tahun. Jika sekiranya hanya 10 peratus dari jumlah kematian tersebut menderma organ atau tisu, ramai pesakit yang memerlukan tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk mendapatkan transplant mereka dan penderma hidup tidak lagi diperlukan.

Selain untuk meningkatkan bilangan pendaftar, kempen ini juga bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat, sekiranya terjadi kematian, keluarga bersedia untuk menimbangkan pendermaan. Jadi amat mustahak mereka yang ingin menderma selepas kematian memaklumkan niat murni mereka kepada keluarga.

Bilangan penderma Kadaverik dari tahun 1976 sehingga November 2008, seramai 229 orang. Untuk tahun ini sahaja 23 orang penderma kadeverik telah mendermakan 24 buah pinggang, 4 hati, 34 kornea, 11 injap jantung dan 3 set tulang. Tetapi, berdasarkan statistic yang diberikan oleh Pusat Sumber Transplan Nasional, jumlah pesakit yang menunggu pendermaan untuk buah pinggang, jantung, paru-paru dan hati adalah seramai 4,181 orang, manakala 6,162 orang lagi sedang dalam penilaian untuk dimasukkan ke program ini.

Sesungguhnya untuk mengajak masyarakat serta memujuk mereka mendaftar sebagai penderma organ bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah namum ianya bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil untuk dilakukan. Salah satu cara yang didapati dapat memberikan pulangan yang baik adalah melalui penulisan serta penerbitan mesej yang disebarkan melalui media massa.

Dalam zaman teknologi masa kini, akses untuk mendapatkan maklumat bukan sahaja diperolehi melalui televisyen dan media cetak, malah, penulisan blog dan laman web juga mempunyai audien yang tersendiri. Oleh sebab itu, Pusat Sumber Transplan Nasional menghasilkan laman web sendiri agar medium ini dapat menyampaikan maklumat yang lebih terperinci merangkumi pelbagai aspek mengenai penerangan lanjut tentang pendermaan organ, seperti apa itu pendermaan organ, organ dan tisu yang boleh didermakan, siapa yang layak dan sebagainya, serta aktiviti-aktiviti promosi pendermaan organ,dan statistik terkini tentang daftar pengikrar penderma organ, malah melalui laman web ini, pengunjung dapat memuat turun borang pendaftaran untuk menjadi pengikrar penderma organ. Alamat laman web yang dimaksudkan adalah



众所周知洗肾费用非常昂贵,再加上近来油价上涨而导致的通货膨胀及百物涨价。因此实达基金会准备协助低收入群的肾脏病人, 减轻他们的负担。






Launching Heamodialysis Programme in Penang on 9 Dec 2008

S P Setia Foundation launches Haemodialysis Treatment Subsidy Programme in Penang. Pledges RM120,000 annually to kidney patients in low income families

Speech by Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye


Thank you for coming to this simple yet meaningful event. Health is a commodity that is much sought after as without it, one’s life can be hampered in many ways. Imagine if one suffered from something like kidney failure and the only way to continue leading a normal life is to go through periodic medical treatment.

These medical treatment may be as frequent as three time a week and is not cheap. For many, being diagnosed with a medical condition that requires periodic treatment may seem daunting, more so when one does not earn much and has to support a family.

Ladies and gentlemen

Every year, between 2,500 to 3,000 Malaysians are diagnosed with kidney failure and have to undergo haemodialysis treatment to lead a normal life. On average, a haemodialysis patient can spend between RM750 to RM1,500 a month on treatment, depending on how severe the condition is.

With escalating costs of living, this is a hefty sum for many low income families. This is where S P Setia Foundation sees itself playing an active role. The Foundation has always been sensitive to the needs of Malaysians who require medical assistance and who find it difficult to pay for their treatment.

This year, the Foundation has made a commitment to lend a hand to kidney failure patients from low income families by subsidizing their treatment. The programme was launched in August with a pledge of RM600,000 yearly to help poor patients in the Klang Valley, Penang and Johor. The reason why these three states were chosen is because S P Setia Bhd has a strong presence here.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Today, it costs a haemodialysis patient RM110 per treatment at a non-profit haemodialysis centre. For those with a household income of less than RM5,000, the Ministry of Health provides a subsidy of RM50 for each treatment, which works out to RM60 for each haemodialysis session.

On average, a kidney patient needs to undergo three treatments a week which amounts to RM780 per month. There are other circumstances which require additional treatment which can come up to RM1,500 a month.

This is indeed a hefty sum for a low income family, which is why the Foundation has deemed it fit to start a subsidy programme for haemodialysis patients in need.

I am pleased to announce that after the Klang Valley, we are now pledging support in the sum of RM120,000 yearly for kidney failure patients in Penang. We have identified 11 haemodialysis centres run by NGOs where we will subsidise RM500 a month for each patient to be paid directly to the centre.

Ladies and gentlemen.

We see our contribution as a small gesture in assisting kidney patients who find it increasingly difficult to pay for rising medical costs. If we can help them in any way to lead a normal life, we would have achieved part of the Foundation’s mission statement.

We can only aim to understand what it is like to face such challenges everyday and any little way that the Foundation can contribute to make these patients’ lives more comfortable is something that we are proud to do.

Thank you.

Drug abuse at Workplace

The escalating abuse of drug and other psychoactive substances has become a major global concern necessitating a comprehensive response and a collaborative and participatory partnership approach from all segments of society.

Business and community collaboration is at the heart of such a participatory and partnership approach. The individual workplace mirrors these problems as a result of the deteriorating health of workers, absenteeism, work accidents and other increased safety risks.

Today the economic and human costs of substance abuse in the workplace is costing businesses billions of dollars annually in lost productivity and health care costs. Drug addiction is no longer a rich nation’s problem or a poor man’s affliction.

It transcends national, ethnic, religious, class and gender lines. Addicts range from the rich to the poor, the homeless to blue and white-collar workers, students, rural farmers, urban employees and street children.

In addiction to wreaking havoc on the lives of addicts and their families, drug addiction is creating a myriad of new problems for communities such as increased crime and violence, the emergence of various social ills and the deterioration of the social fabric, as well as the spread of drug-related diseases such AIDS and Hepatitis.

Drug abuse is a threat and poses devastating effects on workplaces. Many work-related accidents, injuries, illness, absenteeism, non-productivity and poor quality of production are linked to drug abuse.

The need to ensure that workplaces are free from drug abuse is obvious. Drug use has been found to contribute to workplace accidents, absenteeism, medical claims and compensation claims. Poor productivity, high staff turnover and criminal involvement have been found arising from the use of alcohol and drug abuse.

Collaborative efforts between the government, the private sector and NGOs are needed to overcome drug abuse problem at the workplace and keep the workforce productive and healthy for economic development and improved quality of life.

There is a need to develop a drug-free workplace policy to benefit both employers and employees such as to provide for job security in respect of employees and productivity and profitability for the employers.

All companies should have a health and safety policy and every effort should be made to ensure workplace drug abuse prevention programmes be made an integral part of activities for occupational safety and health.

I believe the best way to address the drug abuse problem at the workplace is through the implementation of the following Six-Point Programme:-

i. Management commitment and leadership to work towards a drug-free workplace.

ii. Drug free workplace policy and committee to operationalise the activities of a drug-free workplace programme.

iii. Employee education and awareness programme on the specific dangers of drug abuse and why the workforce should be free from drugs.

iv. Drug screening programme to detect drug abuse at workplaces.

v. Treatment referral to enable employers to assist employees.
Who are drug users to seek help, counseling, treatment and rehabilitation instead of dismissing them and making them a threat to the community?

vi. Corporate sector involvement to provide sponsorship to help credible NGOs in carrying out sustained anti-drug campaigns at the community level.

Pencegahan dan Membasmi Jenayah

Jenayah dan ketakutan kepada jenayah telah menimbulkan suatu isu yang menjadi kebimbangan utama rakyat Malaysia pada masa kini.

Dalam keadaan situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu serta isu kemasukan pendatang haram, bilangan kejadian jenayah boleh meningkat.

Ini merupakan suatu waktu yang mencabar kepada pihak polis sebagai penguatkuasa undang-undang dan mereka harus berusaha sedaya upaya untuk membenteras jenayah dan melindungi orang awam.

Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia (MCPF) adalah sangat bimbang tentang kejadian jenayah dan menyeru orang awam sering berhati-hati dan memainkan peranan yang lebih proaktif untuk menangani jenayah.

Kejadian jenayah memberi kesan terhadap keselamatan warga Malaysia dan ketakutan kepada jenayah adalah merupakan suatu ancaman ke atas kesejahteraan komuniti.

Jenayah hari ini memberi kesan serius ke atas orang ramai tanpa mengira kaum dan jantina. Oleh sebab itu, inilah masanya bagi setiap rakyat Malaysia bertegas dalam kesungguhan mereka membenteras jenayah. Membenteras jenayah bermula dengan kesedaran setiap individu untuk mencegah jenayah.

MCPF telah menganjurkan secara aktif kempen kesedaran pencegahan dan mencetak 1 juta risalah dalam 4 bahasa menasihati orang awam bagaimana mereka dapat mengikuti apa yang selamat dan menjauhi apa yang bahaya dalam pencegahan jenayah.

Secara ringkasnya, orang awam haruslah sentiasa BERWASPADA; tidak mengambil ringan tentang keselamatan; tidak menyediakan peluang dan ruang untuk jenayah berlaku dan meningkatkan kesedaran tentang pencegahan jenayah.

Oleh kerana kejadian jenayah berlaku berterusan dan kenyataan bahawa pihak penguatkuasa undang-undang bersendirian tidak mampu mengatasi masalah tersebut, pihak kerajaan perlu mengadakan polisi dan program sosial yang berkesan untuk mengekang dan membasmi kejadian jenayah.

Dalam hubungan ini isu-isu mengenai kemelesetan ekonomi, pengangguran, pendatang tanpa izin dan lain-lain perlu ditangani dengan berkesan.

Walau bagaimanapun, kerajaan memerlukan penglibatan orang lain seperti peniaga, penduduk, ahli professional dan orang awam untuk membantu mereka dalam membenteras jenayah.

Oleh yang demikian, pembuat polisi, ahli akademik dan lain-lain peringkat dalam masyarakat perlu menyahut cabaran ini dan menjadikan bandar, kota dan komuniti mereka selamat dan sejahtera untuk semua penduduk.

Sehubungan dengan ini, usaha yang berterusan harus dilakukan untuk mengurangkan jenayah, menghilangkan ketakutan dan mewujudkan Bandar dan kota di mana ekonomi perniagaan dan masyakarat dapat subur.

Agenda untuk mengawal dan mencegah jenayah memerlukan usaha sinergi, terancang dan berterusan daripada orang ramai. Orang ramai mempunyai peranan dan fungsi dalam usaha menangani jenayah.

Orang awam perlu diberi kesedaran bahawa tanggungjawab memerangi jenayah adalah tanggungjawab bersama. Sejak penubuhannya, MCPF terlibat secara aktif di dalam kempen kesedaran dengan berbagai organisasi yang berteraskan masyarakat untuk membantu meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai keperluan untuk tidak mengambil ringan keselamatan mereka tetapi sebaliknya menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti secara aktif untuk memerangi jenayah.

Melalui projek inisiatif Bandar dan kejiranan selamat, MCPF berharap dapat melibatkan penyertaan semua lapisan masyarakat di dalam mendidik orang ramai mengenai apa yang mereka perlu lakukan untuk mengelak kejadian jenayah.