Monday, May 4, 2009

World OSH Day in conjunction with Labour Day 2009

NIOSH wishes to remind both employers and employees to regard occupational safety and health as a human right issue.

The right to work in a safe and healthy environment, free from accidents is also the fundamental right of every employee.

Employees and workers have a fundamental right to safety and also have an obligation to work safely too.

The theme for WORLD OSH DAY 2009 is “HEALTH & LIFE AT WORK – A Basic Human Right.”

Lee Lam Thye said this when commenting on Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak speech today (2/5/2009) in conjunction with HARI PEKERJA 2009 in Bukit Jalil.

Preserving human health is a key objective of social security, promoting and creating a safety and health culture can save lives and reduce costs to society.

NIOSH is proud to play its role to promote the right to productive work in conditions of human dignity, safety and health.

All workers are entitled to safe and healthy working conditions, as articulated in international human rights instruments, regardless of whether they be involved in fieldwork, in the office or other workplace settings.

It is essential for employers and employees to be fully committed to workplace safety. The government, employers and employees must be committed to achieving a work culture that ensures safety and health. It must be emphasized that there should be no compromise on safety and health at the workplace.

Increasingly, the promotion of safer conditions in the workplace is based on promoting a culture of risk and accidents prevention which can improve the health of workers and the productivity of the enterprise.

The overall responsibility for providing a safe and healthy working environment rests with the employers who should demonstrate their commitment to OSH.

This can be done by building and maintaining a preventive safety and health culture that address the principles of prevention, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, information and training, while workers have a duty to cooperate with the employer in implementing this OSH programme.

Mat Rempit

Various parties have expressed serious concern over the issue of Mat Rempit, snatch thefts, robberies and other criminal activities involving youngsters drawn into illegal racing.

Hardly a day goes by without some reports or incidents of members of public being victimized by these misfits of society.

Several concerned individuals have written to the media to express their anger and torment over the issue, particularly those who have fallen victims to these violent youths and their hooligan acts.

While the police should be commended for mounting various dangerous operations against these Mat Rempit – with some police personnel sustaining serious injuries – it would appear that the law enforcers have not been able to put an end to the dare-devil stunts of these misguided youngsters.

With most of those Mat Rempit in the age group of 15 to 19 years the question that needs to be asked is what has happened to parental guidance to these youngsters.

The Government and the Cabinet in particular must take effective and appropriate action to tackle and find on enduring solution to the Mat Rempit menace.

In my view we need to find out the root cause of the Mat Rempit problem. Is it because they come from broken homes and lack parental counseling.

Or is it because they do not have proper places to relax and release their energies or tension?

If this is true then the government needs to provide more sports facilities and more recreational spaces for our youths and teenagers. We need more football fields, more badminton and basketball courts, more affordable sports amenities for the young. There should be more spaces for games and sports in our cities and towns.

In this regard, our Housing and Local Government Ministry as well as the respective State Governments should ensure that all local authorities provide adequate sports amenities in our cities, towns and districts to help produce healthy bodies and minds and our teenagers will not turn to be Mat Rempit or involve in negative activities.

The Government should also review all relevant legislation to strengthen law enforcement and deal with Mat Rempit and illegal racing effectively.

Among other proposals that could be considered should include classifying repeat Mat Rempit offenders as juvenile delinquents who should then be sent to a reform school like that of the Henry Gurney Schools where they will be provided with counseling and skills training.

For parents who neglect their responsibility in disciplining and guiding their children who are under their care, perhaps there is a basis for parents to be imposed bonds for good behaviour of their kids.

Monday, April 27, 2009

World OSH Day 2009

TOMORROW (28TH APRIL 2009) is World Occupational Safety and Health Day (OSH) and is commemorated worldwide including Malaysia.

The theme for World OSH Day 2009 is “HEALTH & LIFE AT WORK – A Basic Human Right.”

Employees and workers have a fundamental right to safety and also have an obligation to work safely too.

The right to life is the most fundamental human right. The right to work in a safe and healthy environment, free from accidents is also the fundamental right of every employee.

NIOSH wishes to remind both employers and employees to regard occupational safety and health as a human right issue.

Preserving human health is a key objective of social security, promoting and creating a safety and health culture can save lives and reduce costs to society.

NIOSH is proud to play its role to promote the right to productive work in conditions of human dignity, safety and health.

All workers are entitled to safe and healthy working conditions, as articulated in international human rights instruments, regardless of whether they be involved in fieldwork, in the office or other workplace settings.

It is high time for employers and employees to prove they are fully committed to workplace safety. The government, employers and employees must be committed to achieving a work culture that ensures safety and health. It must be emphasized that there should be no compromise on safety and health at the workplace.

Increasingly, the promotion of safer conditions in the workplace is based on promoting a culture of risk and accidents prevention which can improve the health of workers and the productivity of the enterprise.

The overall responsibility for providing a safe and healthy working environment rests with the employers who should demonstrate their commitment to OSH.

This can be done by building and maintaining a preventive safety and health culture that address the principles of prevention, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, information and training, while workers have a duty to cooperate with the employer in implementing this OSH programme.

协助肾脏病人 - 捐献洗肾机器







Komen terhadap Raja

Semua rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya ahli politik harus akur dengan peringatan Sultan Perak mengenai pentingnya Institusi Raja Melayu disisihkan daripada sebarang pergolakan atau pertikaian politk sesama mereka.

Institusi Raja-raja perlu dipertahankan sebagai payung naungan rakyat sepanjang zaman daripada dicemari oleh mana-mana pihak.

Dalam konteks ini titah Sultan Perak perlu dijadikan iktibar dan panduan kepada rakyat supaya institusi Raja-raja tidak diheret ke kancah politik dan Raja berada di atas politik.

Persefahaman terhadap peranan Institusi Raja dalam masyarakat majmuk adalah penting dalam memastikan keamanan dan kemakmuran negara kita.

Maintenance and Safety Culture in the Country

NIOSH Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today suggested to the new Najib Administration to put an end to the poor and unsatisfactory maintenance of public infrastructure facilities and public amenities and work towards the emergence of a new era which gives emphasis to a strong maintenance and safety culture in the country.

One of the many issues of public concern is how to develop a strong maintenance culture in Malaysia in the interest of public safety and convenience.

Malaysia is known as a country which prides itself in the provision of First World infrastructure but not in terms of its maintenance of these infrastructure.

Incidences of defects and breakdown in new government buildings and infrastructures are still fresh in our minds. Problems of such nature are embarrassing and far too serious to be ignored.

Poor maintenance of public buildings and infrastructures can lead to accidents and injuries. Public toilets which are not properly maintained can cause public inconveniences. Children’s playgrounds poorly maintained can also result in accidents and injuries. Roads and public drains not properly maintained can also cause flash floods.

Potholes which are left unattended to for weeks greatly inconvenience motorists. Failure to prune tree branches and leaves that obstruct road signages along our highways, federal, state and town roads also cause inconvenience to motorists.

These unpleasant occurrences are a reflection of a Malaysian malaise clearly manifested in inferior quality work, poor execution, inept management, poor maintenance and lack of ethics.

What is at stake is not only the question of ethics but also the issue of Safety and Health at work. The occurrence of collapsing structure in buildings is an issue affecting health and safety at work which must not be overlooked.

It is time for everyone to curb the Malaysian malaise of inferior quality work, poor execution, inept management and poor maintenance.

The comment that Malaysia is a case of a country “having First World infrastructure but Third World Mentality” is very true when it comes to the practice of maintenance.

Maintenance and service has never been the country’s forte. We are good at providing state-of-the-art buildings and equipment but when it comes to maintaining them and making them function properly we have many shortcomings and weaknesses.

All authorities and every Malaysian must imbibe the culture of strong maintenance and make it a way of life. Let us not have first world infrastructure but a third class mentality when it comes to maintenance.

I call on the new Najib Administration to put an end to the poor and unsatisfactory maintenance of public amenities in the country.

The time has come for the emergence of a new era which gives emphasis to the development of a strong maintenance and safety culture.

Improving a country’s image is not only the responsibility of the government but also the duty of each citizen who must be civic-minded.

Despite Malaysia’s success in economic development, we have not succeeded to develop a civic-minded society. Indiscriminate throwing of litter is still very common despite public campaigns on anti-littering.

Let it not be said that Malaysians work hard to pursue wealth and success but lose sight of their civic obligations.

Budaya Penyengaran baik dapat dilaksanakan di Malaysia demi keselesaan dan keselamatan Orang Ramai

Salah satu dari isu yang menjadi perhatian kepada orang ramai ialah bagaimanakah budaya penyengaraan yang baik dapat dilaksanakan di Malaysia demi keselamatan dan keselesaan orang ramai.

Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara yang berbangga dengan kemampuannya untuk menyediakan prasarana bertaraf dunia, tetapi tidak dari segi penyengaraan yang baik.

Kejadian kecacatan dan kerosakan bangunan baru kerajaan dan prasarana yang di bangunkan oleh kerajaan maseh segar dalam ingatan kita semua. Masalah seperti ini adalah amat memalukan dan terlalu sirius untuk di abaikan.

Penyenggaraan yang buruk terhadap bangunan dan prasarana awam boleh membawa kepada kemalangan dan kecederaan. Tandas awam yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik menyebabkan ketidak selisaan kepada orang ramai. Taman permainan kanak-kanak yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan dan kecederaan. Sementara jalan raya dan longkang yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik boleh menyebabkan banjir kilat.

Jalan berlubang yang dibiarkan berminggu minggu membahayakan pengguna jalan raya. Kegagalan untuk memotong pokok dan dahan yang menutupi papantanda disepanjang jalanraya kita pula menyebabkan kesulitan kepada pengguna jalan raya.

Kejadian-kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan ini adalah imbasan kepada rasa tidak senang rakyat Malaysia terhadap kualiti kerja yang rendah, perlaksanaan yang tidak sempurna, pengurusan yang lemah, budaya penyenggaraan yang buruk dan kurangnya etika kerja dikalangan mereka yang terlibat.

Apa yang menjadi persoalan bukan sahaja isu etika kerja tetapi juga isu keselamatan dan kesihatan ditempat kerja. Kejadian keruntuhan di bangunan-bangunan adalah isu keselamatan dan kesihatan ditempat kerja yang tidak boleh dipandang ringan.
Sudah sampai masanya bagi semua pihak untuk bertindak atau berbuat sesuatu untuk mengelakkan atau menyekat perkara yang tidak menyenangkan rakyat Malaysia dari berulang seperti kualiti kerja yang rendah, perlaksanaan yang tidak sempurna, pengurusan yang lemah dan penyenggaraan yang buruk.

Komen yang Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang “mempunyai prasarana kelas pertama dunia tetapi mentaliti kelas dunia ketiga” adalah tepat apabila kita berkata mengenai budaya penyenggaraan dinegara ini.

Budaya penyenggaraan dan perkhidmatan sememangnya bukan kekuatan kita. Kita amat baik didalam menyediakan bangunan dan prasarana yang canggih, tetapi apabila tiba kepada soal penyenggaraan dan menjaga bangunan dan prasarana tersebut kita mempunyai banyak kelemahan dan masaalah.

Semua pihak berkuasa dan rakyat Malaysia perlu menanam budaya penyenggaraan yang baik dan menjadikanya sebagai cara hidup seharian. Marilah kita mengubah sikap “prasarana kelas dunia pertama tetapi minda kelas dunia ketiga” apabila kita melakukan penyenggaraan.

Masanya sudah sampai untuk satu era baru yang menekankan terhadap budaya penyenggaraan dan keselamatan yang baik.

Memperbaiki imej negara bukan sahaja tanggung-jawab kerajaan tetapi juga semua rakyat Malaysia yang seharusnya mempunyai rasa bertanggung-jawab.

Walaupun Malaysia telah berjaya dari segi pembangunan ekonomi, kita masih belum berjaya membangunankan masyarakat yang bertanggung-jawab atau yang berminda sivik. Pembungan sampah di merata tempat masih lumrah walaupun pelbagai kempen telah dilakukan.

Janganlah kita dikatakan rakyat Malaysia bekerja kuat untuk mengumpulkan harta dan mencapai kejayaan tetapi hilang rasa tanggung-jawab sivik mereka.








近年来已经发生多起攫夺案导致伤亡的悲剧,因此李氏相信手无寸铁的人民将夹在攫夺与抢劫罪案之间。李氏表示我们应该采取各种措施以全力实施打击与杜绝攫夺匪与劫匪,包括: -

1. 警方应该提供更多的警力与资源,不只是在吉隆坡而是全国各地全力捕抓攫夺与抢劫匪。
2. 各地方当局应推行倡议和实施各种指导方针。在安全城市的概念下,提供各项安全措施,如建设有围栏的行人道等等。
3. 人民必须时常提高警惕,并依据警方与马来西亚防范罪案基金会所付诸实践的指导原则或贴士,人民能够知晓如何防止攫夺案的发生及避免成为抢劫案的受害者。
4. 市民必须全力以赴,在自身安全受到保障的情况下,帮助受害者抓拿攫夺匪或劫匪,并将他们移交给有关当局。
5. 政府必须严格惩罚被定罪的攫夺匪与劫匪,被定罪者必须强制性的接受牢狱的惩罚。

Masalah Mat Rempit

Rakyat Malaysia yang patuh kepada undang-undang sudah pasti akan menyokong sebarang langkah atau inisiatif yang dapat membendong kegiatan lumba haram yang telah menjadi duri dalam daging kepada masyarakat sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.

Sehubungan dengan itu saya mengalu-alukan cadangan untuk meminda Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Raya dan memperkenalkan satu seksyen khas untuk mengawal kegiatan lumba haram dan menghukum pelumba haram.

Pada masa ini pelumba haram diambil tindakan dibawah undang-undang “memandu secara bahaya” dimana hukumannya tidak berkesan untuk mencegah pelumba haram tersebut dari mengulangi perbuatan mereka.

Polis Diraja Malaysia telah mencadangkan Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Raya di pinda agar hukuman lebih berat dapat diperkenalkan keatas pemandu yang “gila laju” seperti Mat Rempit yang mengambil bahagian didalam perlumbaan haram dan ditangkap lebih dari satu kali.

Menghukum pesalah remaja yang mengambil bahagian didalam perlumbaan haram dengan membuat kerja-kerja amal sehingga 100 jam adalah salah satu langkah yang boleh dipertimbangkan.

Pesalah berkenaan yang didapati bersalah patutlah ditahan di Sekolah Henry Gurney untuk suatu tempoh yang ditetapkan.

Kebanyakan Mat Rempit adalah dalam lingkungan umur 15 ke 19 tahun, sebahagiannya dari kalangan pelajar dan kebanyakan adalah mereka yang telah kandas dalam pelajaran atau telah berhenti sekolah.

Soalannya ialah apa sudah terjadi dengan ibu bapa mereka. Tidak-kah ibubapa berprihatin dengan tingkah laku anak mereka yang terlibat dalam aktiviti Mat Rempit.

Mereka bukan sahaja membahayakan diri mereka semasa beraksi dengan motosikal mereka, tetapi juga membahayakan orang ramai yang menggunakan jalan raya.

Telah seringkali orang awam mengadu bagaimana mereka telah menjadi mangsa Mat Rempit yang terlibat dalam lumba haram, termasuk masalah pencemaran bunyi bising hasil dari kegiatan mereka.

Apa yang amat membimbangkan ialah penglibatan Mat Rempit dalam kegiatan jenayah seperti yang dilaporkan dalam media baru-baru ini.

Terdapat tidak kurang dari lima kes yang dibawa kepengetahuan saya di mana golongan warga tua kehilangan nyawa apabila dilanggar oleh pelumba haram yang tidak dikenali yang melarikan diri.

Saya berpendapat pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan perlu bertindak dengan tegas untuk membanteras kegiatan Mat Rempit ini buat selama-lamanya.

Apa yang jelas ialah berbagai operasi yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak berkuasa sehingga kini tidak dapat membendung kegiatan Mat Rempit ini tanpa undang-undang yang lebih berkesan beserta dengan hukuman yang dapat mencegah mereka melakukan perbuatan tersebut.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Avoid from lightning strike again in government hospitals

I read with utmost concern the fire that broke out at Ward 3C of the Putrajaya Hospital believed to be as a result of a lightning strike during heavy rain.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has every reason to be embarrassed by the incident.

If it is true that the fire occurred due to a lightning strike, then the relevant authority is answerable as to why the lightning arrestor that had been installed failed to work.

It was fortunate that none of the patients and Hospital Staff in that Ward were harmed during the fire.

Although it can be dismissed as an isolated case, the fact that the fire had occurred in the ward, necessitates a thorough investigation in the incident and the findings be made public.

Furthermore if a fire can occur in an important health institution like the Putrajaya Hospital, it certainly does not speak well of the performance of those placed in charge of the safety of the building.

The fire should also be looked upon seriously from the point of view of safety and health at the workplace besides the safety of the patients.

The Minister of Health and the Ministry must take all necessary measures to ensure that such incidents will not recur in any Government Hospitals in the future.

"1 Malaysia" Concept for "Safe Community"

The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) wishes to suggest to Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak to introduce and implement the idea of Safe Communities in line with the “One Malaysia” concept.

A “One Malaysia” must also mean a safe and secure Malaysia – a nation free not only from crime but also from unwanted accidents and man-made disasters.

The definition of a “Safe Community” is one in which people live, work and play safely and healthily.

Besides improving the lives of individuals, safe communities create many common benefits, such as improved safety for the public, less crimes, improved productivity and competitiveness, lower health-care costs, and a reduction in other social expenditure.

Developing a safety culture is best achieved through building a safe community. The Safe Community approach provides a focal point for the community leaders, employers and employees, policemen, firemen, safety professionals and those who are keen in community affairs to build a better community where they work or live.

A safe and healthy workplace will benefit the enterprises not only in reduced injuries and cost of accidents, it also enhances the productivity and workers’ morale.

A comfortable and safe environment for schools and hospitals will improve the safety of school children and the effective delivery of services; a community where safety culture is strong and concern for others is high will also benefit the government administration.

The Safe Community Program is an integrated development of safety culture in the community that encompasses work safety, school safety, recreational safety, crime prevention and others. Effective programs can be realised through the synergy of safety & health initiatives of different community groups, local corporations, businesses, organizations, associations, schools, health care providers, government agencies and other service groups.
Other than the economy, crime has become an issue of major concern to all Malaysians. As crimes continue to occur, more so in view of the economic downturn and given the fact that law enforcement alone is inadequate to tackle crime, the government has to promulgate effective social policies and programmes to prevent and control criminal activities.

Policy makers, academicians, non-government organisations and the various strata of society need to stand up to the challenge of making our cities, towns and villages safe and liveable for everyone.





李氏表示我们应该采取各种措施以全力实施打击与杜绝攫夺匪与劫匪,包括: -

1. 警方应该提供更多的警力与资源,不只是在吉隆坡而是全国各地全力捕抓攫夺与抢劫匪。
2. 各地方当局应推行倡议和实施各种指导方针。在安全城市的概念下,提供各项安全措施,如建设有围栏的行人道等等。
3. 人民必须时常提高警惕,并依据警方与马来西亚防范罪案基金会所付诸实践的指导原则或贴士,人民能够知晓如何防止攫夺案的发生及避免成为抢劫案的受害者。
4. 市民必须全力以赴,在自身安全受到保障的情况下,帮助受害者抓拿攫夺匪或劫匪,并将他们移交给有关当局。
5. 政府必须严格惩罚被定罪的攫夺匪与劫匪,被定罪者必须强制性的接受牢狱的惩罚。

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


全国职业安全与卫生机构主席丹斯里李霖泰今日在沙巴洲亚庇宣布全国职业安全与卫生机构将在东马第一次举办“第一婆罗州职业安全与卫生大会”,预计于6月8日与9日在第一婆罗州会议中心(ONE BORNEO CONVENTION CENTRE)举行。与此同时,主办单位将在大会期间设置职业安全与卫生陈列室,许多安全与卫生的陈列摊位将摆设各种不同类型的安全设备,并为公众提供相关的资讯。





自2007年在亚庇开始运作,沙巴职业安全与卫生机构已经成功举办162项训练课程,共有4337名参与者。而2008年, 也举办了127项培训班,有2848名参加者接受训练。

有兴趣欲参与婆罗州职业安全与卫生大会的人士,可致电联络沙巴职业安全与卫生机构,联络电话:088 – 264 252 或 088 – 266 252。任何询问亦可通过电邮 或亲临沙巴职业安全与卫生机构在亚庇社险大厦的办公室。

Promotion of BOSH in KK

NIOSH Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye announced in Kota Kinabalu today that NIOSH has decided to do more promotional efforts for occupational safety and health (OSH) in East Malaysia with the holding of the First Borneo Occupational Safety and Health Convention (BOSH) in Kota Kinabalu on the 8th and 9th of June 2009 at the One Borneo Convention Centre. An OSH Exhibition will also be organized along with the Convention where many exhibition booths will be made available to display various safety equipments and services in safety and health for public information.

The BOSH Convention aims to attract about a thousand participants not only from Sabah but also Sarawak, the Federal Territory of Labuan, Brunei Darussalam as well as Kalimantan Indonesia.

The Convention is open to OSH practioners, Government Departments and Agencies, private sector organizations as well as interested Non-Government bodies.

The BOSH Convention is the first of its kind NIOSH is organizing in East Malaysia to facilitate greater participation by East Malaysians and the neighbouring countries.

Every year NIOSH organizes an Annual Conference of Occupational Safety and health (COSH) in Kuala Lumpur but participation from East Malaysia and Labuan is limited in view of distance and other difficulties.

With this in mind BOSH is organized to facilities greater participation by those participants from Borneo.

Besides this, it is intended to provide industries in the Borneo region with new and improved ideas on the implementation of OSH and OSH Management within their organizations to reduce industrial accidents and improve productivity.

BOSH will also see the presentation of papers on good OSH practices by local and foreign OSH practioners and experts in the Agricultural, oil and gas, service and hospitality sectors, the construction industry as well as the Small and Medium Industries.

NIOSH Sabah is committed to its role to promote safety and health at the workplace and help contribute towards the attainment of an OSH Culture through education and training, provision of consultancy services, research and development on OSH issues as well as dissemination of OSH information to the industries.

Since it started its operations in Kota Kinabalu in 2007, as of today 162 training courses involving 4337 participants have been successfully conducted.

For the year 2008, 127 training courses were conducted and 2848 participants were trained.

Those participants interested to participate in BOSH can contact NIOSH Sabah – telephone number 088 – 264 252 or 088 – 266 252.

Enquires can also be made via email: to the NIOSH Sabah office which is located at Wisma PERKESO Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu.

“One Malaysia” concept for UNITY

The “One Malaysia” concept expounded by Datuk Seri Najib Razak should set the pace for the rejuvenation of the unity building process for the next decade involving every Malaysian irrespective of race, colour or creed.

“One Malaysia” should have as its key elements mutual understanding, respect and trust for one another in a multiracial country like us.

We must begin by understanding each other and this will lead to respect and trust which are vital ingredients for building unity.

The virtue of unity is that it respects and allows individuals to express their own uniqueness and specialty and yet being together in harmony. We can quote the example of a bunch of flowers or grapes, collectively enhancing each other’s beauty. They may look similar but they are not the same.

Self expression allows a person to utilize his or her potentials for the benefit of the community and enable it to develop fully like a blooming flower spreading fragrance all around. Diversity within any community actually adds beauty and colour to the whole picture and it should be respected and appreciated.

I believe it is the true essence of life which would bring about unity and diversity. Unity is an important ingredient that creates feelings of ownership and togetherness.

One of the major challenges facing the Najib administration, other than dealing with the economic crisis, will be to strive for the attainment of a truly united Malaysia Nation and a ‘Bangsa Malaysia’.

Unity is a priceless gift that must be preserved by all Malaysians in a multi-racial country like Malaysia. Every peace-loving Malaysian should be fully committed to promoting a culture of peace, harmony and unity.

The work of fostering unity should begin in the schools, beginning from the kindergartens to primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions of learning where efforts can be made to instill the values of harmony and unity.

Fostering unity should also begin in the neighbourhoods for that is where the diversity of people and their values are situated.

Even if economics and information technology are the driving force of this era and in the future, we must not lose sight of racial harmony and unity.

Economic development would not be meaningful without understanding, harmony, goodwill and trust among the people.

Programmes of action should continue to inculcate nurture and strengthen the spirit of love and patriotism for the country.

Inter-racial harmony and unity are of paramount importance in a multi-ethnic society like ours. Malaysia was forged out of diversity and through the spirit of give and take, compromise and consensus.

The Federal Constitution, which guarantees the rights of the various ethnic groups, and as well the Rukunegara are the guide for nation building and have been accepted by all Malaysians since we attained independence.

It is very important that the disparities and inequalities among races must be eliminated in order to bring about enduring harmony and unity in the country.

Development Urban Centre

The development and management of urban centers is a very complex and challenging task. Developing solutions for urban issues and challenges in the cities of the 21st century is most critical.

Malaysia’s overriding concern in its urban and industrialization plans and programmes is for its urban citizens to achieve a certain level of living standard that will commensurate with the country’s status of a developed nation by the year 2020.

In Malaysia today about 60 per cent of the population reside in urban areas indicating the country is facing rapid urbanization resulting from rural to urban migration.

Our cities and towns are going to be the frontiers for building a new Malaysia. This is where our local authorities have to play a pivotal and crucial role to deal with the many challenges and problems in the urbanized environment.

Local government therefore takes on a center stage as it must have the capacity and the wherewithal to cope with the many issues and find quick and effective answers to community needs and services.

Local government, instead of being the lowest level of government, should become the highest in terms of community needs and services.

As Malaysia undergoes rapid urbanization and with the creation of more cities and towns, local governments which are responsible for providing the community’s needs and services should be put on the national agenda.

To cope with the challenges or urbanization, we need to ensure that our local government service has a much higher capacity in terms of professionalism.

Improving the efficiency of local government requires the appointment of more technical staff such as architects, engineers and other qualified professionals to fill up vacant positions and provide the back-up so that capacity building can be improved.

For local governments to function effectively they must be receptive to public feedback. In this connection, popular participation needs to be promoted with the involvement by citizens through the setting up of consultative committees in which the public can put forward their views and suggestions.

Urbanization should also lead to community spirit building. Where new buildings and housing estates are built, pro-active efforts must be made to build a sense of community and co-operation among the multiethnic residents which will be beneficial to our multiracial country in terms of generating goodwill and unity.

Cities and towns must have a clear vision and adopt a holistic approach in managing their future.

They must be shaped and developed with five key elements in mind namely, they must be developed to be socially just, ecologically sustainable, politically participatory, economically productive and culturally vibrant.

Urban Govenance

The development and management of urban centers is one of the major challenges of our time as well as one of the most complex tasks of our societies.

In an increasingly urbanizing world, sustainable urban development will depend largely on the management capacity of cities and the active participation of their citizens.

In cities, it is possible to integrate human, economic and technological resources in an efficient way. Well managed cities are also a pre-condition for successful urban development.

In an increasingly urbanized world, sustainable urban development depends largely on improved management of cities.

Policies and programmes for the development of human settlements require strong, open and accountable local government institutions working in partnership with all interested parties.

Here lies the importance of urban governance. Good urban governance can be defined as an efficient and effective response to urban problems by accountable local governments working in partnership with civil society.

The concept of urban governance refers to the complex set of values, norms, processes and institutions by which cities are managed. Good urban governance works towards making cities more efficient, equitable, safe and sustainable.

Good urban governance involves participatory decision making. It not only involves the federal, state and local governments but also civil society such as the private sector, community – based institutions, the media etc.

The practice of urban governance ensures that views and priorities of these groups are reflected in the priorities of cities and the way they are run.

The progress of a country depends in no small measure on the quality of its governance. While a democratic government may lay the foundation for good governance, a vigilant and active citizenry is essential to its sustenance.

The quality of governance is enhanced when government as a whole and public agencies in particular become open to new ideas and responsive to citizens. Responsiveness in turn is improved when citizens are well informed and collectively seek better performance from these agencies.

Good urban governance is defied within the UNDP – supported Urban Governance Initiative as having nine characteristics namely participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equity, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability and strategic vision.

In Malaysia today about 60 per cent of the population reside in urban areas indicating the country is facing rapid urbanization resulting from rural to urban migration.

Our cities and towns are going to be the frontiers for building a new Malaysia. This is where our local authorities have to play a pivotal and crucial role to deal with the many challenges and problems in the urbanized environment.

Local government therefore takes on a center stage as it must have the capacity and the wherewithal to cope with the many issues and find quick and effective answers to community needs and services.

Local government, instead of being the lowest level of government, should become the highest in terms of community needs and services.

As Malaysia undergoes rapid urbanization and with the creation of more cities and towns, local governments which are responsible for providing the community’s needs and services should be put on the national agenda.

To cope with the challenges or urbanization, we need to ensure that our local government service has a much higher capacity in terms of professionalism.

Improving the efficiency of local government requires the appointment of more technical staff such as architects, engineers and other qualified professionals to fill up vacant positions and provide the back-up so that capacity building can be improved.

For local governments to function effectively they must be receptive to public feedback. In this connection, popular participation needs to be promoted with the involvement by citizens through the setting up of consultative committees in which the public can put forward their views and suggestions.

Urbanization should also lead to community spirit building. Where new buildings and housing estates are built, pro-active efforts must be made to build a sense of community and co-operation among the multiethnic residents which will be beneficial to our multiracial country in terms of generating goodwill and unity.

The rapid urbanization taking place now also necessitates the development of a government funded Center or Institute for Urban Governance which can eventually function as a center of excellence to undertake research and provide consultancy on all urban issues as well as training of local government officials to better manage our cities and towns.

Cities and towns must have a clear vision and adopt a holistic approach in managing their future.

They must be shaped and developed with five key elements in mind namely, they must be developed to be socially just, ecologically sustainable, politically participatory, economically productive and culturally vibrant.

New Cabinet's Performance

Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak has promised to make his Cabinet a performing and service-delivery cabinet with the implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) focusing on impact and delivery results.

The Prime Minister’s emphasis on performance and his commitment to personally monitor the progress of all Ministers once every six months is a step in the right direction considering the fact there has been public dissatisfaction in the past with regard to performance of Ministers and certain civil servants.

Obviously the time has come for a people and action-oriented Government starting with a Cabinet which has to be totally sensitive to the needs of the people and the nation especially during the present difficult times.

Needless to say the public expectations in the Najib administration are high and it is incumbent on the new administration to perform and deliver results based on a culture of integrity and excellence.

This will mean sheer hard work for every member of the Cabinet to ensure the realisation of the new administration’s pledge and commitments.

Members of the Najib administration are well advised to follow a Chinese maxim “jiao ta shi di, shen ru min jian” which when translated means that all members of the administration must hold their feet firmly on hard ground and reach out to the masses to understand their needs and wants, feel their pulse and do the right things to win over the hearts and minds of the people.


针对报章报道蕉赖马鲁里花园柏嘉沙路一带治安不好,几乎每个星期都发生抢劫案,人人自危。马来西亚防范罪案基金会副主席丹斯里李霖泰表示蕉赖马鲁里花园柏嘉沙路的居民已派代表向他联系,而昨天下午5时左右,李氏带领他们会见蕉赖警区主任HAJI AMIR及多位蕉赖警区高级警官,共同商讨有关问题的严重性。这项会议由李氏亲自安排。

在对话中,居民与一部分的受害者已经把事情的经过向警方投诉。蕉赖警区主任HAJI AMIR表示欢迎居民前来向警方投诉。他透露蕉赖警区已经设立一个特别行动组专门处理这个问题,特别是在蕉赖马鲁里花园(TMN MALURI)与美达花园(TMN MIDAH)一带。

HAJI AMIR表示他本身非常关注有关治安的问题,尤其他本身就是蕉赖马鲁里花园的居民。此外,蕉赖警方的特别行动组成立至今,已经逮捕了11名电单车飙车族(MAT REMPIT),他们全是只有15-18岁的青少年。警方已经将他们扣留,并排期让受害者前往警局认人。

丹斯里李霖泰表示在对话中HAJI AMIR将蕉赖警方24小时行动室的联络电话告诉与会者,并要他们将有关的号码传达给居民与商家,以便面对问题时立即通知警方,蕉赖警方可以采取快速的行动。

如果有居民与商家有怀疑或发现飙车族出现在该区,可立即拨打这个号码,这也是一个警民合作的预防行动。蕉赖警方24小时行动室电话号码:03 – 9284 0083。

Social Development-balanced Society

MCPF Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today called for greater efforts by the Government to enhance social development based on noble values which can help strengthen human capabilities and the role of family institutions in achieving a balanced society.

The success of Malaysia depends not only on economics, science, and information communication technology (ICT) but also on how we can build a Malaysian society which is morally, spiritually and mentally strong and healthy.

This can be a bulwark against the many social and moral issues besieging our society. Our nation’s future depends on a strong and cohesive moral foundation.

Despite the many accomplishments, the social progress of our society is still lagging behind. It is time for us to address the country’s social capital. All Malaysians must take responsibility for the failing values and declining social standards prevalent today.

The serious crime rates, the unresolved drug menace, corruption in the public and private sectors, indiscipline in schools and the culture of violence in our midst all point to an urgent need to address the country’s social capital.

Unless and until we succeed in boosting our social capital no amount of economic development can strengthen our social fabric in the face of new challenges. This is why it is important for Malaysia to balance rapid economic growth with moral and societal values.

Social ills are the symptom of an unhappy society. Many factors have been blamed for causing social ills, including the lack of parental supervision, lack of moral education, urbanization and the oft-discussed delinquent behaviour of teenagers.

The time has come for us, as a nation, to improve the quality of life Malaysians and address the negative trends head-on before the situation deteriorates.

The MCPF calls for a relook of our National Social Policy to determine to what extent the Policy has contributed towards creating a progressive and sustainable society based on strong moral values and to enrich our social capital.

A review of our Social Policy is also needed to reevaluate efforts by the Government to create a stable, healthy and harmonious Malaysian society based on strong moral foundation to balance rapid economic growth with moral and societal values.








藉着“全民的马来西亚”概念,李氏建议新任首相须落实与实行社区安全概念的计划(Safe Community),拿督斯里纳吉应该推动社区安全计划,让人民能够在安全的情况下,生活、工作、娱乐与健康。除了能提高个人的生活素质,社区安全也创建许多共同利益,如改善公众的安全、减少犯罪、提高生产力和竞争力、并降低保健费用与减少其他的社会开支。



,李氏建议新任首相须落实与实行社区安全概念的计划(Safe Community),拿督斯里纳吉应该推动社区安全计划,让人民能够在安全的情况下,生活、工作、娱乐与健康。除了能提高个人的生活素质,社区安全也创建许多共同利益,如改善公众的安全、减少犯罪、提高生产力和竞争力、并降低保健费用与减少其他的社会开支。



New Premier

The MCPF congratulates Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak on his assumption to the highest political office as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

While supporting the “One Malaysia” concept the MCPF is of the view that “One Malaysia” should also incorporate issues concerning safety and security for all Malaysians.

A “One Malaysia” must also mean a safe and secure Malaysia – a nation free from crime and the fear of crime.

Other than the economy, crime has become an issue of major concern to all Malaysians. As crimes continue to occur, more so in view of the economic downturn and given the fact that law enforcement alone is inadequate to tackle crime, the government has to promulgate effective social policies and programmes to prevent and control criminal activities.

Policy makers, academicians, non-government organisations and the various strata of society need to stand up to the challenge of making our cities, towns and villages safe and liveable for everyone.

In this connection, continuous efforts must be made to reduce crime, lessen the fear of crime and create safer cities and towns where economic enterprises and community can flourish and free from crime.

The MCPF wishes to suggest to the newly – appointed Prime Minister to work towards building SAFE COMMUNITIES in line with the “One Malaysia” concept.

The definition of a “Safe Community” is one in which people live, work and play safely and healthily.

Besides improving the lives of individuals, safe communities create many common benefits, such as improved safety for the public, less crimes, improved productivity and competitiveness, lower health-care costs, and a reduction in other social expenditure.

We feel it is necessary for Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak to take all the necessary steps to strengthen the Royal Malaysia Police and ensure that it remains to be a truly professional force that serves with pride and integrity, a force that will be held in high-esteem by law–abiding Malaysians and feared by criminals.

Safe Community under One Malaysia Concept

The MCPF Vice-Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today suggested to Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak to introduce and implement the idea of Safe Communities in line with the “One Malaysia” concept.

While supporting the “One Malaysia” concept the MCPF is of the view that “One Malaysia” should also incorporate issues concerning safety and security for all Malaysians.

A “One Malaysia” must also mean a safe and secure Malaysia – a nation free not only from crime but also from unwanted accidents and man-made disasters.

The definition of a “Safe Community” is one in which people live, work and play safely and healthily. This can be achieved when private and public sectors work in partnership to improve the safety and health of the people in the community.

Besides improving the lives of individuals, safe communities create many common benefits, such as improved safety for the public, less crimes, improved productivity and competitiveness, lower health-care costs, and a reduction in other social expenditure.

Developing a safety culture is best achieved through building a safe community. The Safe Community approach provides a focal point for the community leaders, employers and employees of large and small enterprises, policemen, firemen, safety professionals and those who are keen in community affairs, to build a better community where they work or live.

A safe and healthy workplace will benefit the enterprises not only in reduced injuries and cost of accidents, it also enhances the productivity and workers’ morale.

A comfortable and safe environment for schools and hospitals will improve the safety of school children and the effective delivery of services; a community where safety culture is strong and concern for others is high will also benefit the government administration.

The Safe Community Program takes reference from the community development and outreaching approach. It is an integrated development of safety culture in the community that encompasses work safety, school safety, recreational safety, crime prevention and others. Effective programs can be realised through the synergy of safety & health initiatives of different community groups, local corporations, businesses, organizations, associations, schools, health care providers, government agencies and other service groups.
Other than the economy, crime has become an issue of major concern to all Malaysians. As crimes continue to occur, more so in view of the economic downturn and given the fact that law enforcement alone is inadequate to tackle crime, the government has to promulgate effective social policies and programmes to prevent and control criminal activities.

Policy makers, academicians, non-government organisations and the various strata of society need to stand up to the challenge of making our cities, towns and villages safe and liveable for everyone.

Safe Community

MCPF Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today called for greater efforts by the Government to enhance social development based on noble values which can help strengthen human capabilities and the role of family institutions in achieving a balanced society.

The success of Malaysia depends not only on economics, science, and information communication technology (ICT) but also on how we can build a Malaysian society which is morally, spiritually and mentally strong and healthy.

This can be a bulwark against the many social and moral issues besieging our society. Our nation’s future depends on a strong and cohesive moral foundation.

Despite the many accomplishments, the social progress of our society is still lagging behind. It is time for us to address the country’s social capital. All Malaysians must take responsibility for the failing values and declining social standards prevalent today.

The serious crime rates, the unresolved drug menace, corruption in the public and private sectors, indiscipline in schools and the culture of violence in our midst all point to an urgent need to address the country’s social capital.

Unless and until we succeed in boosting our social capital no amount of economic development can strengthen our social fabric in the face of new challenges. This is why it is important for Malaysia to balance rapid economic growth with moral and societal values.

Social ills are the symptom of an unhappy society. Many factors have been blamed for causing social ills, including the lack of parental supervision, lack of moral education, urbanization and the oft-discussed delinquent behaviour of teenagers.

The time has come for us, as a nation, to improve the quality of life Malaysians and address the negative trends head-on before the situation deteriorates.

The MCPF calls for a relook of our National Social Policy to determine to what extent the Policy has contributed towards creating a progressive and sustainable society based on strong moral values and to enrich our social capital.

A review of our Social Policy is also needed to reevaluate efforts by the Government to create a stable, healthy and harmonious Malaysian society based on strong moral foundation to balance rapid economic growth with moral and societal values.

The 202nd Anniversary of PDRM

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has just commemorated its 202nd Anniversary.

An institution as old as the PDRM should be given due recognition given its important role to eradicate crime and in the maintenance of law and order.

Undoubtedly the PDRM has many accomplishments and success during its 202-year history. However, like any other institutions, it too has its fair share of problems. Its major task now is how to ensure the public truly appreciates the efforts undertaken by PDRM in the fight against crime and to make it a truly friendly force to the people.

The IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan kicked off Police Day with a pledge to eradicate crime and ensuring peace and public order.

He also pledged the PDRM would not compromise in fighting abuse of power and corruption while strengthening integrity.

What was most significant is the pledge by Musa Hassan to commit himself to increase police presence at all crime-prone areas.

Malaysians will undoubtedly support the IGP’s pledge and hope that it will be effectively translated into concrete action to raise the people’s confidence in the police force and deter the people from committing crimes.

The success of the pledge depends primarily on the government to ensure that the PDRM has the capability and wherewithal to deal with more and more sophisticated criminals highly skilled in the use of high-technology and equipment.

I therefore suggest that there should be appropriate allocations to beef up the police force and ensure there is adequate well-trained personnel to deal with the multiple challenges of policing in this new millennium.

Greater efforts need to be undertaken to enhance the training and policing skills of all police personnel and ensure they discharge their public duties professionally, with integrity and live up to their motto of being Firm, Fair and Courteous.







The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) wishes to suggest to Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak to introduce and implement the idea of Safe Communities in line with the “One Malaysia” concept.

While supporting the “One Malaysia” concept the MCPF is of the view that “One Malaysia” should also incorporate issues concerning safety and security for all Malaysians.

A “One Malaysia” must also mean a safe and secure Malaysia – a nation free not only from crime but also from unwanted accidents and man-made disasters.

The definition of a “Safe Community” is one in which people live, work and play safely and healthily. This can be achieved when private and public sectors work in partnership to improve the safety and health of the people in the community.

Besides improving the lives of individuals, safe communities create many common benefits, such as improved safety for the public, less crimes, improved productivity and competitiveness, lower health-care costs, and a reduction in other social expenditure.

Developing a safety culture is best achieved through building a safe community. The Safe Community approach provides a focal point for the community leaders, employers and employees of large and small enterprises, policemen, firemen, safety professionals and those who are keen in community affairs, to build a better community where they work or live.

A safe and healthy workplace will benefit the enterprises not only in reduced injuries and cost of accidents, it also enhances the productivity and workers’ morale.

A comfortable and safe environment for schools and hospitals will improve the safety of school children and the effective delivery of services; a community where safety culture is strong and concern for others is high will also benefit the government administration.

The Safe Community Program takes reference from the community development and outreaching approach. It is an integrated development of safety culture in the community that encompasses work safety, school safety, recreational safety, crime prevention and others. Effective programs can be realised through the synergy of safety & health initiatives of different community groups, local corporations, businesses, organizations, associations, schools, health care providers, government agencies and other service groups.
Other than the economy, crime has become an issue of major concern to all Malaysians. As crimes continue to occur, more so in view of the economic downturn and given the fact that law enforcement alone is inadequate to tackle crime, the government has to promulgate effective social policies and programmes to prevent and control criminal activities.

Policy makers, academicians, non-government organisations and the various strata of society need to stand up to the challenge of making our cities, towns and villages safe and liveable for everyone.

















Dadah Pemusnah, Musnahkan Dadah

Tema Hari Antidadah Kebangsaan (HADAK) bagi tahun ini ialah ”Dadah Pemusnah, Musnahkan Dadah”. Tema ini dipilih dengan harapan dapat membangkitkan kesedaran semua anggota masyarakat tentang betapa bahayanya ancaman dadah terhadap masyarakat dari segi politik, ekonomi dan sosial.

Sekiranya gejala dadah terus berleluasa, tiada individu, keluarga ataupun masyarakat yang akan selamat. Ini bersandarkan realiti bahawa dadah mampu menguasai tubuh dan minda penagih, sindiket dadah pula mampu menjejaskan ekonomi negara, dan penyeludupan dadah akan menjadi punca kepada gejala jenayah dalam masyarakat.

Berdasarkan kepada laporan statistik sistem maklumat dadah kebangsaan (NADI) Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK), penagih yang dikesan sepanjang tahun 2008 ialah seramai 12,352, iaitu 5,939 PENAGIH BARU dan 6,413 PENAGIH BERULANG.

Dari perangkaan tersebut menunjukkan bahawa dalam sebulan seramai 514 rakyat Malaysia terjerumus sebagai PENAGIH BARU dan 556 orang sebagai PENAGIH BERULANG. Dalam satu hari terdapat 17 orang yang menjadi penagih baru dan 19 orang menjadi penagih berulang. Di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, didapati seramai 1,828 orang penagih yang dikesan, seramai 564 penagih baru dan 1,264 orang penagih yang berulang.

Kita semua perlu sedar ini merupakan angka-angka yang dapat dikesan, bagaimana dengan mereka yang tidak dapat dikesan atau ditangkap? Hal ini merupakan senario yang kritikal dan merupakan cabaran kepada Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) yang berfungsi sebagai Agensi Utama dalam memerangi dadah, musuh nombor satu negara.

Saya ingin menekankan peranan wanita dalam usaha menangani masalah penyalahgunaan dadah ini. Perangkaan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) menunjukkan hanya segelintir golongan wanita yang terjebak dalam gejala penyalahgunaan dadah.

Maka berlandaskan kepada keyakinan bahawa peranan golongan wanita terlalu penting dalam usaha untuk mencapai matlamat Malaysia bebas dadah 2015, maka pada tahun ini, kita perlu merancang strategi bagi terus memperkasakan peranan wanita dalam usaha-usaha untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan dadah melalui program ”Masyarakat Wanita Antidadah” (MAWADAH).

Golongan wanita mampu memainkan pelbagai peranan dalam kehidupan mereka. Wanita ini adalah seorang ibu, seorang isteri, seorang guru, seorang teman, dan seorang pekerja. Golongan wanita ini juga merupakan seorang insan yang mampu untuk mendidik anak-anak dengan lemah-lembut tetapi tegas dalam membuat keputusan. Mereka mampu memberikan belaian, kasih-sayang, perhatian dan bersama dengan kerenah anak-anak walaupun pada masa yang sama mereka terpaksa keluar bekerja untuk menampung kehidupan keluarga.

Jika sesebuah keluarga itu bahagia secara automatik keluarga itu akan terlepas dari cengkaman penyalahgunaan dadah, dan ianya akan menyumbang kepada menjadikan Institusi Kekeluargaan, Pendidikan, tempat kerja dan komuniti serta kawasan tempat tinggal kita bebas dari segala gejala sosial terutamanya penyalahgunaan dadah.

Dengan kata-kata cerdik pandai bahawa ”tangan yang menghayun buaian mampu mengoncang dunia”, saya merayu kepada golongan wanita terutama kepada ibu-ibu untuk meluangkan sedikit masa berqualiti untuk mendengar masalah dan keluhan anak-anak terutama di peringkat remaja agar mereka merasa bahawa mereka masih disayangi dan diambil berat oleh ibu-ibu mereka.

Jika kita gagal berbuat demikian, maka jangan terperanjat jika anak-anak kita akan mencari rakan sebaya untuk meluahkan perasaan mereka. Cubalah kita fikirkan jika mereka mendapat rakan sebaya yang baik, tetapi jika sebaliknya maka kita boleh membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The development and management of urban centers is one of the major challenges of our time as well as one of the most complex tasks of our societies.

In an increasingly urbanizing world, sustainable urban development will depend largely on the management capacity of cities and the active participation of their citizens.

In cities, it is possible to integrate human, economic and technological resources in an efficient way. Well managed cities are also a pre-condition for successful urban development.

In an increasingly urbanized world, sustainable urban development depends largely on improved management of cities.

Policies and programmes for the development of human settlements require strong, open and accountable local government institutions working in partnership with all interested parties.

Here lies the importance of urban governance. Good urban governance can be defined as an efficient and effective response to urban problems by accountable local governments working in partnership with civil society.

The concept of urban governance refers to the complex set of values, norms, processes and institutions by which cities are managed. Good urban governance works towards making cities more efficient, equitable, safe and sustainable.

Good urban governance involves participatory decision making. It not only involves the federal, state and local governments but also civil society such as the private sector, community – based institutions, the media etc.

The practice of urban governance ensures that views and priorities of these groups are reflected in the priorities of cities and the way they are run.

The progress of a country depends in no small measure on the quality of its governance. While a democratic government may lay the foundation for good governance, a vigilant and active citizenry is essential to its sustenance.

The quality of governance is enhanced when government as a whole and public agencies in particular become open to new ideas and responsive to citizens. Responsiveness in turn is improved when citizens are well informed and collectively seek better performance from these agencies.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mental Health is Important for us

In view of the current economic down turn leading possibly to recession, there is an increasing number of working Malaysians who are likely to suffer from anxiety, severe mental stress and even depression in relation to their jobs and working lives.

The impact that mental health problems, arising from economic hardship, imposed on the working population and their families as well as society as a whole is immense and needs to be addressed.

It is important during difficult and challenging times like this to ensure the health and well-being of Malaysians and their families through initiatives to promote good mental health among Malaysians from the viewpoint of sound social development.

In line with this, I wish to suggest to the Health Ministry to introduce short-term, medium and long-term measures to help depressed Malaysians and help intensify efforts for the promotion of good mental health.

This is the time for the Ministry to galvanize its resources nationwide to promote good mental health with the participation of the Malaysian Mental Health Association, other relevant NGO’s, employers, employees, family units and the community as a whole.

We need to take preventive measures to avoid suicide cases, more mental patients and people becoming victims of mental disorders arising from the economic downtown and unemployment.

Mental health is not just about mental illness. It is something we all need. It is feeling of well being, the ability to cope with life’s many challenges and to have a positive attitude towards oneself.

Mental health includes how one feels about one self, how one feels about other people and how one is able to handle the demands and challenges of life during difficult times.

According to the world health organisation, depression rank fifth among the major causes of disability and it is expected to jump to second place in 2020.

It is undoubtedly essential to mount a comprehensive nationwide campaign to educate all strata of society and the community on how to acquire the right knowledge to achieve a lifestyle that practices good mental health.

The promotion of mental health encompasses the Government, the community and the family unit. The Government should make available more amenities in hospitals and clinics to provide counselling by psychologists to those who need help.

The Health Ministry should also look into training more psychiatrists and psychologists in hospitals and clinics to deal with mental disorders while non-governmental organizations should be assisted to do more in promoting mental health.

Meanwhile those who need help to deal with mental problems should not be shy but be prepared to come forward and seek help.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Penggalakan Kesihatan Mental

NIOSH ingin menekankan peri pentingnya pembangunan dan penggalakkan kesihatan mental yang baik didalam suasana kegawatan ekonomi sekarang ini, dimana ia menyebabkan peningkatan kes kemurungan dan tekanan yang boleh mendatangkan kesan yang amat buruk kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Memandangkan kegawatan ekonomi sekarang ini boleh mengakibatkan resesi kemelesetan, terdapat semakin ramai pekerja di Malaysia yang mungkin akan menghadapi kegusaran, tekanan dan kemurungan yang bersangkutan dengan pekerjaan dan tugas mereka.

Impak dari masalah kesihatan mental yang berpunca dari masalah ekonomi boleh menjejaskan para pekerja dan keluarga mereka serta seluruh masyarakat amnya. Ini adalah amat serius dan perlu diatasi.

Adalah amat penting pada masa susah dan mencabar seperti sekarang ini untuk memastikan kesihatan dan kebajikan rakyat Malaysia dan keluarga mereka melalui pelbagai inisiatif untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental dikalangan pekerja Malaysia dari sudut pembangunan sosial yang baik.

Sehubungan dengan itu, saya ingin mencadangkan kepada Kementerian Kesihatan untuk memperkenalkan langkah jangka pendek, pertengahan dan jangka panjang, untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia yang menghadapi tekanan dan kemurungan dan membantu meningkatkan usaha pengalakan kesihatan mental yang baik.

Inilah masanya untuk Kementerian menggerakan sumber-sumbernya di seluruh negara untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental dengan kerjasama Persatuan Kesihatan Mental Malaysia, badan-badan bukan kerajaan yang berkenaan, majikan, pekerja, keluarga dan keseluruhan masyarakat.

Kita perlu mangambil langkah pencegahan untuk mengelakkan kejadian membunuh diri, lebih banyak kes pesakit mental dan lebih ramai orang menjadi mangsa kepada penyakit mental yang disebabkan oleh kegawatan ekonomi dan pengangguran.

Kesihatan mental bukan sahaja mengenai penyakit mental. Ia adalah sesuatu yang diperlukan oleh kita semua. Ia adalah perasaan kepuasan terhadap kehidupan dan kebajikan diri sendiri, kemampuan menghadapi pelbagai cabaran kehidupan, dan sikap positif terhadap diri sendiri.

Kesihatan mental juga termasuk perasaan seseorang terhadap dirinya sendiri, perasaanya terhadap orang lain dan bagaimana seseorang mengendalikan pelbagai cabaran didalam kehidupanya.

Menurut pertubuhan kesihatan sedunia, kemurungan adalah punca yang kelima diantara punca-punca utama yang menyebabkan hilang upaya dan ia dianggarkan akan meningkat ketempat yang kedua menjelang tahun 2020.

Kempen di seluruh negara amat diperlukan untuk memberi pengajaran kepada semua lapisan masyarakat bagaimanakah cara untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan yang tepat untuk mencapai cara hidup yang sesuai yang menggalakan kesihatan mental yang baik.

Promosi kesihatan mental melibatkan pihak Kerajaan, masyarakat dan keluarga. Kerajaan boleh menyediakan prasarana seperti lebih banyak unit psikiatri dan katil hospital.

Kementerian Kesihatan perlu mengkaji keperluan untuk melatih lebih banyak pakar pesakit jiwa dan ahli psikologi untuk berkhidmat di hospital dan klinik supaya perkhidmatan rawatan mental dapat diberikan, sementara badan-badan bukan kerajaan perlu memberikan bantuan didalam meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap kesihatan mental.








Thursday, March 19, 2009

Promotion of Good Mental Health

Niosh Chairman, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye stressed today the development and promotion of good mental health is gaining increasing importance in view of the current economic downturn leading to more pressure and stress which will have serious repercussion on the well being of Malaysians.

In view of the current economic gloom possibly leading to recession, there is an increasing number of working Malaysians who are likely to suffer from anxiety, severe mental stress and even depression in relation to their jobs and working lives.

The impact that mental health problems, arising from economic hardship, imposed on the working population and their families as well as society as a whole is immense and needs to be addressed.

It is important during difficult and challenging times like this to ensure the health and well-being of Malaysians and their families through initiatives to promote good mental health among Malaysians from the viewpoint of sound social development.

In line with this, I wish to suggest to the Health Ministry to introduce short-term, medium and long-term measures to help depressed Malaysians and help intensify efforts for the promotion of good mental health.

This is the time for the Ministry to galvanize its resources nationwide to promote good mental health with the participation of the Malaysian Mental Health Association, other relevant NGO’s, employers, employees, family units and the community as a whole.

We need to take preventive measures to avoid suicide cases, more mental patients and people becoming victims of mental disorders arising from the economic downtown and unemployment.

Mental health is not just about mental illness. It is something we all need. It is feeling of well being, the ability to cope with life’s many challenges and to have a positive attitude towards oneself.

Mental health includes how one feels about one self, how one feels about other people and how one is able to handle the demands and challenges of life.

According to the world health organisation, depression rank fifth among the major causes of disability and it is expected to jump to second place in 2020.

It is undoubtedly essential to mount a comprehensive nationwide campaign to educate all strata of society and the community on how to acquire the right knowledge to achieve a lifestyle that practices good mental health.

The promotion of mental health encompasses the Government, the community and the family unit. The Government can lay the infrastructure by providing more psychiatric units and hospital beds.

The Health Ministry should look into training more psychiatrists and psychologists in hospitals and clinics to deal with those mental disorders while non-governmental or organizations should be assisted to do more in promoting mental health.

Raise RM50 subsidy for kidney patients

The S P Setia Foundation welcomes the announcement by Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai that the Cabinet had approved an annual allocation of RM12.64 million to provide free erythropoeitin (e-poeitin) injections for poor and underprivileged dialysis patients receiving treatment at NGO-run dialysis centres.

This is over and above the RM50 subsidy already received by some 2,700 poor kidney patients undergoing dialysis treatment.

Providing free e-poeitin injections helps these patients to achieve a saving of RM30 to RM60 for each e-poeitin jab which serves to prevent anemia in dialysis patients.

It is the first right step to take. However it is our hope that the Government will consider to increase its RM50 subsidy in order to help more deserving patients under dialysis treatment in the NGO-run centres in the future.

Being poor is one thing but having to suffer kidney failure and requires three times a week with four-hour dialysis treatment each session is indeed a double tragedy.

Our Foundation is also doing its small part to help the deserving patients in the NGO-run centres by providing them a RM500 monthly subsidy. Even under trying times the Foundation has provided an annual allocation of RM600,000 for this purpose.

About 18,000 persons undergo dialysis at some 454 dialysis centres nationwide and the number is expected to arise to more than 20,000 by next year with 3,500 new patients yearly.

It is indeed an immense problem that the nation has to tackle. In view of this it is all the more necessary to prevent kidney diseases through the adoption of a healthy life-style.

There is also a need to do more to ensure a bigger donation rate of organs such as kidneys for transplant purposes which is the only alternative to dialysis treatment.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Master English and we’ll move with the times

Every level-headed Malaysian who subscribes to reason and logic will unanimously agree that teaching, learning and using the English language must never be made into an issue when it is done in the interest of our future generation and for the sake of our Nation’s progress and its future well-being.

But unfortunately there are some in our midst who are not prepared to accept this fact judging from their comment and reaction to the teaching of Maths and Science in English.

What is even more disturbing is that there are some irrational ones who regard the teaching, learning and promotion of the English language as something unpatriotic.

As we strive to achieve Vision 2020, it is essential for the government to adopt a practical and open-minded approach towards any language which can contribute to Malaysia’s progress while remaining firm and steadfast in ensuring that Bahasa Melayu is the country’s official and national language.

As a Malaysian, I am proud of our national language – Bahasa Melayu – a language I use daily in communicating not only with officials of government departments and agencies but also with the various ethnic groups. It is our common language understood and used by Malaysia’s multi-racial population.

However, we must also accept the reality that knowledge of one language is insufficient in this modern and technological age. We need to have a command of other languages for progress and development, be it English, Chinese, French, etc.

We learn and use English as it is an international language for science and technology, business and commerce.

Malaysians should strive to be bilingual or even multi-lingual now that most Malaysians, particularly the younger generation, have mastered Bahasa Melayu.

Malaysians may lose out in the field of information and technology in the new millennium if they are not proficient in English.

English is vital if Malaysians are not to be left behind.

The ability to learn and use English or any other language should be seen as a progressive move to improve our knowledge and expertise.

The fear of the English language, which some still regard as a legacy of British colonialism, is clearly misplaced and needs to be rectified.

To overcome this, more needs to be done to convince parents and students, particularly those in the rural areas, about the importance of ‘learning English as a tool for science, technology, business and commerce as well as progress and modernization.

At a time when so much has been spoken about the age of ICT and the global economy, one problem that we need to address and which concerns our future is the command of the English language.

It is an indisputable fact that the command of the English language among our young generation is poor and is a matter of concern if we are to cope with the global march of information and communications technology.

We must not regard the learning and mastery of the English language as a threat to our cultural or national identity.

Mastering the English language is about rejuvenating the nation. It is about preparing ourselves individually and collectively as a nation in finding our place in the global economy.

Promoting English would not in any way jeopardise the importance and use of Bahasa Melayu as our national and official language.

Improving the standard of English will not diminish the importance of our national language since bilingualism or even trilingual is an unwritten need for social and professional competence in this modern age and certainly learning and using the English language will not make us less nationalistic.

Friday, March 13, 2009







虽然贫穷是一回事,但在遭受肾功能衰竭的患者,每周需要花费3天,每天 4个小时的洗肾治疗确实是一个严重的悲剧。因此,实达基金会也贡献一小部分,帮助一些在非政府组织洗肾中心的肾脏病人,每月为他们提供500令吉的补贴。即使在目前经济艰难的时刻,我们的基金会仍提供了一笔60万令吉的拨款用于这个用途。



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Komen terhadap Pakej Ransangan Ekonomi Kedua bernilai RM60 Billion

Pakej Ransangan Ekonomi yang kedua bernilai RM60 billion yang di umumkan oleh Menteri Kewangan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, yang bertujuan untuk menghindarkan negara dari mengalami kegawatan ekonomi yang serius, memaparkan langkah yang berani untuk mengekang beberapa masalah ekonomi yang sekiranya tidak diatasi akan membawa kesan serius terhadap kestabilan sosial dan politik.

Negara kita sekarang ini menghadapi situasi yang amat mencabar, yang memerlukan tindakan yang berani dan mantap untuk mengurangkan bebanan dan keperitan semua rakyat Malaysia.

Kita tidak mengharapkan semua rakyat Malaysia akan bersetuju dengan Pakej Ransangan tersebut, tetapi melihat dari sambutan yang diberikan oleh pelbagai lapisan rakyat Malaysia, menunjukkan penerimaan dan sokongan diberikan kepada empat strategi utama didalam pakej tersebut iaitu untuk mengurangkan kadar pengangguran dan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan, mengurangkan bebanan rakyat terutamanya golongan yang terdedah kepada kemelesetan ekonomi tersebut, membantu sektor swasta untuk memulihkan ekonomi dan membangunkan kapasiti untuk masa hadapan.

Ia adalah satu usaha yang amat dialu-alukan untuk menyediakan sebanyak 163,000 peluang pekerjaan, peluang mengikuti latihan, menyediakan subsidi makanan dan menyekat kenaikkan kadar tol, dan ini merupakan perkara yang amat perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangkan bebanan kehidupan kebanyakkan rakyat Malaysia.

Di samping itu Kerajaan juga harus mengkaji kemungkinan untuk memberikan bantuan kewangan khusus kepada golongan rakyat marhain yang amat memerlukan bantuan dan pertolongan atau bantuan khusus kepada golongan yang baru kehilangan pekerjaan.

Setelah mengumumkan pakej ransangan sebanyak RM 60 billion tersebut, apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya oleh pihak Kerajaan adalah untuk memastikan perancangan dan perlaksanaan program tersebut yang mantap dan berkesan untuk memastikan hasil yang diharapkan tercapai.

Dalam hal ini pihak Kerajaan perlu mengadakan kaedah pemantauan disetiap peringkat untuk memastikan semua projek dipantau dengan baik dan tidak berlaku pembaziran atau kebocoran. Perlaksanaan semua projek dan pemberian kontrak perlu dilakukan dengan penuh ketelusan dan bertanggung jawab.

Saya ingin mencadangkan pembentukan satu Pasukan Kerja Pemantauan Peringkat Tinggi yang dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Kewangan sendiri untuk memantau perlaksanaan Pakej Ransangan Kedua ini dan memberi keyakinan kepada rakyat bahawa Kerajaan akan memastikan kejayaan perlaksanaan Pakej Ransangan ini untuk menghindarkan kegawatan dan membantu rakyat.

Kejayaan membelajakan dana RM60 billion ini juga bergantung kepada komitmen sepenuhnya dari pihak awam untuk melakukan bukan sahaja yang mampu dilakukan tetapi yang terbaik untuk memastikan kejayaan perlaksanaan Pakej Ransangan Kedua ini.









Comments for the RM60B Sec Stimulus Package

The RM60 billion second stimulus package unveiled by the Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with the aim of preventing the country from slipping into a serious recession has presented a series of bold measures to grapple with a number of pressing economic problems which if not addressed will have serious repercussions on social and political stability.

The country is now facing challenging and difficult times and it calls for strong and bold efforts to help ease the burden of all Malaysians and reduce their hardship.

We may not expect every Malaysian to agree fully with the Stimulus Package but judging from the reaction from a cross-section of Malaysians, there is general acceptance by the public of the four main thrusts of the Package which are to reduce unemployment and increase job opportunities; easing the burden of the rakyat, in particular the vulnerable groups; assisting the private sector and building capacity for the future.

It is laudable for efforts to create 163,000 jobs, provide training opportunities; make available food subsidies and keeping the toll rates down which are indeed very essential to help ease the burden of the average Malaysians.

Besides this the Government should also study the possibility of making available cash payment to those who are in dire straits and providing some immediate benefit to those who have become unemployed.

Having introduced the RM60 billion stimulus package what must be done now is for the Government to ensure the proper planning and execution of all the measures unveiled and ensure they achieve the desired results.

In this connection the Government has to introduce strong monitoring mechanisms at the various levels to ensure that all projects are closely monitored and there are no wastages and leakages. There must be full transparency and accountability in the implementation of all these projects and award of contracts.

I wish to suggest the formation of a high-powered Monitoring Task Force to be chaired by the Finance Minister himself to monitor the implementation of the Second Stimulus Package and give confidence to the people that the Government will leave no stone unturned to ensure the success of the Stimulus Package to counter the recession and help the rakyat.

The successful implementation the RM60 billion lifeline also calls for the total commitment of the public sector to give their best and walk the extra mile to make sure the smooth implementation of the Second Stimulus Package.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kesihatan Mental Di Kalangan Pekerja

Masalah kesihatan mental terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan tekanan mental hendaklah ditangani dengan segera supaya masalah seperti stres, kemarahan dan keganasan, kemurungan dan cubaan bunuh diri dapat dielakkan.

Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) berpendapat langkah segera perlu diambil untuk menangani masalah mental dan kesihatan di tempat kerja yang melibatkan majikan, pekerja dan pihak berkuasa yang terlibat.

Pengabaian factor kesihatan mental dan psikososial di tempat kerja bukan sahaja merugikan pekerja tetapi juga memberi kesan secara langsung terhadap kecekapan, keberkesanan dan hasil ssesuatu perusahaan.

Di mana terdapat kes pekerja yang menderita dari penyakit mental, majikan perlu memberi pertolongan dan bantuan dalam ebentuk kaunseling.

Prestasi pekerja, kekerapan jatuh sakit, ketidakhadiran, kemalangan dan pusing-ganti pekerja akan terjejas oleh keadaan kesihatan mental pekerja.

Dalam hubungan ini, saya ingin menulis mengenai punca stres dan tekanan anggota polis yang memang merupakan suatu isu yang perlu ditangani dengan berkesan.

Pada suatu ketika dahulu kita pernah membaca laporan peristiwa seorang anggota polis melaporkan 58 das tembakan ke udara yang dikaitkan dengan tekanan perasaan.

Sebenarnya tekanan atau stres di kalangan anggota polis bukanlah sesuatu isu baru.

Sepertimana yang kita memahami memang benar bahawa kajian yang dilakukan membuktikan tugasasn dan pekerjaan polis terdedah kepada unsure tekanan atau stres.

Bidang tugas kepolisan adalah amat mencabar dan menjadi semakin pelbagai. Jadi isu kesihatan mental anggota polis perlu diberi perhatian sewajarnya kerana produktiviti seseorang anggota bergantung kepada kesihatan mental-nya.

Saya amat prihatin dengan aspek kebajikan polis. Dalam hubungan ini saya berpendapat bahawa selain dari membayar anggota polis gaji dan elaun yang munasabah, aspek kesihatan mental harus juga diberikan perhatian berat.

Program untuk membantu anggota polis yang mengalami stres atau tekanan harus dipertingkatkan. Program tersebut bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti anggota yang tertekan dan diikuti dengan memberi kaunseling dan lain-lain kemudahan kepada mereka.

Tidak ada tempat kerja yang terkecuali dari masalah penyakit mental pekerja dan kesannya dari segi psikologi, sosial dan ekonomi adalah tinggi. Kesihatan mental tidak lagi boleh diabaikan, sebaliknya ia perlu diberikan perhatian yang memadai sama seperti isu pengurusan lain di dalam sebuah organisasi.

Masalah penyakit mental, terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan tekanan jiwa atau “stress” di kalangan pekerja di Malaysia termasuk kakitangan PDRM, adalah merupakan perkara yang serius dan perlu diberikan perhatian segera di tempat kerja supaya masalah seperti kemurungan, penyakit mental dan gangguan jiwa dapat dielakkan.

NIOSH berpendapat langkah-langkah segera perlu diambil oleh majikan, pekerja dan juga pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan, untuk mengatasi masalah mental dan kesihatan di tempat kerja.

Dalam kontek ini pihak kerajaan perlu memperkenalkan garis panduan untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mental di tempat kerja supaya dapat menyumbang kepada kesihatan dan produktiviti pekerja secara mental dan juga fisikal yang lebih baik.

Modal yang digunakan untuk Program Bantuan telah terbukti memberi pulangan dari segi peningkatan produktiviti dan prestasi kerja. Kerajaan harus sedar penanaman modal untuk kebajikan kesihatan mental anggota polis membawa pulangan yang baik.

Pendidikan dan promosi ke atas kesihatan mental, yang bertujuan untuk mengekang peningkatan masalah psikososial di kalangan anggota polis, adalah amat penting, selari dengan aspirasi kita untuk menjadi negara maju yang sudah semestinya akan memberi tekanan hebat kepada kita untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab dalam kehidupan seharian kita.

Gangguan mental dan penyakit mental yang lain adalah satu peringatan pahit di dalam kehidupan kita yang tidak sepatutnya kita abaikan di dalam usaha kita untuk mencapai status negara maju.

Isu yang bersangkutan dengan kesihatan mental di tempat kerja juga boleh menjejaskan secara langsung majikan, pelanggan dan amsyarakat di mana organisasi tersebut berada.

Tiada negara atau individu yang terkecuali daripada gangguan mental dan kesannya ke atas keadaan psikologikal, sosial dan kesan terhadap ekonomi juga tinggi. Kesihatan mental tidak lagi boleh diabaikan sebaliknya ia perlu diberikan perhatian sama seperti masalah kesihatan yang lain.

Kesihatan mental bukan sekadar berkenaan penyakit mental. Ia adalah perasaan kesejahteraan, keupayaan menghadapi cabaran dan untuk memastikan sikap positif terhadap diri sendiri.

Isu kesihatan mental di tempat kerja, harus diberikan perhatian kerana produktiviti pekerja di dalam sesuatu organisasi bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan mental mereka.

Care Givers-Kelana Jaya Rotary Club

I was recently invited by the Rotary Club of Kelana Jaya to present the 2008 Vocational Service Awards to various care giver organizations and individuals in recognition of their outstanding vocational service.

Various community, social and NGO activitists who are care givers and have rendered time, effort and love to take care of the very old, terminally-ill, spastic children and others who need care and attention were duly recognised.

The care givers were nominated by several nursing homes, associations and NGOs for having proven their unstinting dedication to serve the terminally-ill, needy and others.

I have worked in the areas of crime prevention, occupational safety and various other social causes. In the course of my work I have come across many compassionate Malaysians who never failed to lend a hand, give a thought, do a deed and lace life with meanings for the less fortunate.

I pay tribute to these selfless and committed care givers and social workers who have been working tirelessly behind the scene to provide care and love to the terminally-ill, the disabled and many other unfortunate ones in our community.

They have played pivotal roles in giving meaning to a caring society.

These dedicated and committed care givers should be aptly described as the unsung heroes and they are the ones who deserve to be honoured and presented with Rotary’s Vocational Service towards.

The care givers’ commitment to noble deeds to serve the sick and the less fortunate behind the scene and without publicity deserve to be recognized not only by Rotary but also by the Government.

They should be considered for award presentations in conjunction with Federal and State Awards.

Kempen Kementerian Kesihatan "Mengambil berat terhadap pesakit"

Pelancaran kempen Budaya Korporat oleh Menteri Kesihatan untuk mendidik kakitangan Kementerian tentang peri pentingnya nilai keprihatinan dan “mengambil berat terhadap pesakit” adalah satu langkah yang tepat dan selari dengan harapan rakyat.

Kempen tersebut menonjolkan kakitangan Kementerian memakai lencana dengan logo yang menunjukkan simbol keprihatinan terhadap pesakit iaitu tangan yang di letakkan pada hati (dada).

Langkah yang diambil oleh Kementerian Kesihatan tersebut amat dialu-alukan, tetapi apa yang lebih penting ialah imej keprihatinan tersebut hendaklah dilaksanakan secara ikhlas melalui tindakan konkrit oleh pihak-pihak yang berkenaan supaya pesakit dan orang ramai dapat diyakinkan bahawa mereka benar-benar mengambil berat terhadap pesakit.

Dalam hal ini semua kakitangan terutamanya kakitangan perubatan disemua hospital kerajaan, klinik dan lain-lain harus menerapkan budaya keprihatinan tersebut yang akan menentukan kejayaan Kempen Budaya Korporat oleh Kementeria tersebut.

Menteri Kesihatan, Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai telah menyatakan dengan tepat hasrat beliau untuk menerapkan nilai korporat sebagai amalan kepada kakitangan Kementerian.

Dengan itu saya ingin menyarankan supaya kempen “keprihatinan” ini dipantau secara aktif dan di nilai keberkesananya untuk memastikan ia menepati objektifnya.

Mengambil berat kepada semua pesakit adalah sesuatu yang amat mencabar untuk dilakukan dan ia memerlukan kesabaran, sikap bertimbang rasa dan belas kasihan oleh pihak yang memberi rawatan tersebut.

Sekiranya semua kakitangan perubatan dapat melaksanakan tanggung-jawab yang berat ini, ia bukan sahaja akan dapat memberikan semangat kepada pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan tetapi juga akan membantu penerapan budaya prihatin dan penyayang di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Corporate Culture Campaign by the Ministry of Health

The launching of the Corporate Culture Campaign by the Ministry of Health to impress upon the Ministry’s staffs the importance of being caring and “having a heart for patients” is indeed a step in the right direction and is in line with public expectation.

The campaign entails Ministry staff wearing a badge with a simple logo depicting a hand on the heart to show a caring image to their patients.

While the move by the Health Ministry will undoubtedly be welcomed, what really matters is that the caring image must be translated into action by those concerned so that the patients and others are convinced they are truly cared for.

In this regard it truly requires all staff particularly the medical staff of all government hospitals, clinics etc to imbibe a caring culture that will determine the success of the Ministry’s Corporate Culture Campaign.

As the Health Minister, Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai rightly said he wants to translate all the corporate values into action.

As such I wish to suggest that the “caring” campaign must be actively monitored and evaluated to ensure that it serves its objective.

Being caring to each and every patient is indeed challenging and it requires patience, understanding and compassion by the care givers.

If every medical staff is able to achieve this, it will go a long way not only in boosting the morale of patients seeking treatment but also help to promote a caring culture in the country.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

李霖泰:職場安全衛生重要 培訓課程省不得

















他也披露,該機構過去4年所出版的學校職業安全與衛生指南一直獲得私人界的贊助,尤其是艾克森美孚(EXXON MOBIL)石油企業公司。



Monday, March 2, 2009










Disiplin Sekolah

Masalah kekurangan disiplin di sekolah-sekolah perlu diberi perhatian berat dan tidak boleh diabaikan. Ia adalah perkara yang perlu diberikan perhatian bersama oleh guru dan ibubapa.

Saya merasakan disiplin pelajar di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh negara perlu diperbaiki dan dipertingkatkan dan langkah-langkah diambil untuk memastikan masalah disiplin dan perlakuan ganas pelajar terhadap rakan sebaya mereka mahu pun kepada guru sekolah sendiri dapat ditangani sedari awal-awal lagi.

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa masalah kekurangan disiplin di kalangan pelajar-pelajar pada hari ini, jika tidak di bendung, akan mendatangkan masalah yang serius kepada negara terutamanya dari perspektif pembinaan nilai-nilai murni di kalangan generasi muda.

Melihat perangkaan polis berkenaan kes salah laku dan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh remaja sekarang jelas menunjukkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh remaja yang akan menjadi pemimpin negara di masa hadapan adalah serius.

Salah laku atau jenayah remaja adalah jenayah yang dilakukan oleh remaja dalam lingkungan umur 10 hingga 18 tahun. Apa yang lebih membimbangkan ialah terdapat kejadian jenayah yang dilakukan oleh remaja yang lebih rendah umurnya dari lingkungan umur di atas, sejak lima tahun kebelakangan ini.

Banyak dari mereka melakukan jenayah ini untuk mendapatkan wang untuk dibelanjakan di tempat-tempat hiburan yang mereka sukai seperti arked permainan video dan sebagainya yang merupakan tempat larangan bagi mereka.

Oleh kerana kebanyakan dari mereka yang terlibat adalah dalam lingkungan umur persekolahan, pihak sekolah, ibubapa dan juga pihak polis dan masyarakat amnya tidak boleh memandang ringan masalah ini, malah sesuatu yang berkesan perlu dilakukan segera untuk membendung gejala yang amat membimbangkan ini.

Kegagalan pihak sekolah dalam melaksanakan hukuman terhadap kesalahan pelajar akibat campur tangan ibu bapa yang terlalu membela serta memanjakan anak mereka juga merupakan faktor yang mendorong pelajar tidak merasa takut kepada disiplin dan guru sekolah.

Walaupun ibubapa dan guru-guru mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam membendung gejala negatif ini, mereka tidak harus dipersalahkan sepenuhnya. Pihak penguatkuasa undang-undang juga adalah bertanggungjawab meningkatkan penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang kurang berkesan.

Para pengusaha tempat hiburan yang hanya mementingkan keuntungan sahaja dan tidak mempedulikan soal moral dan etika adalah juga bertanggungjawab terhadap gejala yang membimbangkan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, walaupun terdapat rungutan dan bantahan terhadap filem dan bahan-bahan lucah, ia masih dijual secara terbuka di pasar malam. Bahan-bahan lucah tersebut mudah didapati oleh kanak-kanak dan dijual dengan harga yang murah diantara RM5 hingga RM8 setiap satu.

Bahan-bahan lucah ini sudah pasti mendatangkan akibat yang negatif kepada kanak-kanak yang masih mentah dan akhirnya akan menyeret mereka ke arah jenayah, kerosakan moral dan masalah sosial yang lain.

Oleh yang demikian, perlunya di adakan program motivasi dan kaunseling serta program-program yang dapat membentuk jati diri pelajar. Di samping itu, pihak sekolah perlu memberi ruang kepada pihak berkuasa bagi mengadakan program ceramah dan penerangan undang-undang bagi memberi kesedaran kepada pelajar akibat jenayah yang mereka lakukan akan merosakkan masa depan mereka sendiri.

Walaupun diakui beberapa aspek pencegahan jenayah dan disiplin telah diterapkan di dalam sistem pendidikan, adalah amat penting usaha-usaha dipertingkatkan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan memberi sokongan moral kepada pelajar-pelajar kita untuk menjauhi aktiviti-aktiviti jenayah.

Program Pra-PLKN perlu diterapkan juga kepada pelajar-pelajar di alam persekolahan agar program jati diri ini dapat mendidik mereka dan memberi kesedaran di kalangan pelajar terhadap berbagai aspek. Melalui penerapan nilai moral yang baik dan penekanan kepada pentingnya sikap yang jujur, semangat kerjasama dapat membantu pencegahan jenayah dan perasaan takut kepada jenayah.

Jadi apa yang perlu ialah proses didikan dan penerapan kesedaran yang berterusan dengan objektif atau tujuan untuk membasmi jenayah secara habis-habisan di dalam dan juga di luar sekolah.