Friday, April 18, 2008

Mat Rempit Menace

Letter to Editor,

The law-abiding public will undoubtedly support any effective move to bring to an end the Mat Rempit menace which has been a bane for Malaysian society all these years.

In line with this I welcome the proposal to amend the Road Transport Act (RTA) and introduce a special section to deal solely with the prosecution of illegal racers.

Presently illegal racing is dealt with under the law of reckless driving where the penalty is no deterrent to the offenders.

The Royal Malaysian police have recommended that the RTA be amended to provide for caning to speed fiends like Mat Rempits who take part in illegal racing and are caught for more than once.

Making the convicted young or juvenile offenders who took part in illegal racing to do up to 100 hours of community service as a form of punishment is a step in the right direction.

Most Mat Rempits are those who are aged between 15 and 19 years, some students and many who are dropouts and school leavers.

Mat Rempits do not only endanger themselves while doing their dare-devil stunts but also the innocent public.

Many a times the public especially pedestrians have complained how they have been victimized by Mat Rempits, not to mention the noise pollution it caused to the neighbourhoods.

There were at least five cases brought to my attention where children and elderly people were knocked down and killed by unidentified illegal racers who hit and ran.

I think the authorities concerned have to act firmly and bring to an end this Mat Rempit menace once and for all. Obviously the many operations that have been carried out until now by the authorities have proved futile in the absence of more stringent laws and deterrent punishment.

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