Tuesday, July 29, 2008




该慈善基金会与砂拉越德教会紫霞阁合作,在1998年3月就在古晋开设砂拉越德教会紫霞阁 – 马联肾脏慈善基金会洗肾中心。该洗肾中心已经在现址操作了10年,目前共有21台洗肾机器,为98名低收入的肾脏病患提供洗肾服务。

由于获得许多社会热心人士的支持,砂拉越德教会紫霞阁 – 马联肾脏慈善基金会洗肾中心预计将在今年10月搬迁至一座6层楼的建筑物。此外,我们还获得州政府的协助,提供新地点的土地给我们开设新的洗肾中心。该间崭新的洗肾中心将耗资1600万令吉,并将成为马来西亚甚至是东南亚其中一间最大规模的洗肾中心。


Setiap aduan jenayah perlu tindakan segera

Surat Kepada Pengarang
Berita Harian

USAHA membasmi atau mencegah jenayah tidak akan berkesan kecuali semua pihak bertekad dan bersedia mengamalkan budaya antijenayah dan menjadikan keselamatan sebagai cara hidup.

Memandangkan kepada peningkatan kejadian jenayah dilaporkan di media massa, pihak berkuasa dan semua lapisan masyarakat perlu diberi kesedaran mengenai pentingnya tindakan pantas dan berkesan perlu diambil terhadap bukan saja penjenayah tetapi juga isu dan punca yang menimbulkan perlakuan jenayah.Misalnya, aduan atau cadangan kepada pihak berkuasa mengenai langkah yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengelakkan berlaku jenayah perlu ditangani segera. Setiap aduan berkaitan pencegahan jenayah perlu diberi perhatian. Kerajaan, bagaimanapun memerlukan pihak lain yang berkepentingan seperti peniaga, penduduk, profesional dan orang ramai untuk membantu memerangi jenayah. Pelbagai lapisan masyarakat perlu bersatu menghadapi cabaran dan menjadikan bandar, pekan dan kampung selamat didiami.Usaha berterusan perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangkan kadar jenayah dan perasaan takut terhadapnya di samping mewujudkan kejiranan dan bandar yang lebih selamat.yang membolehkan perniagaan dan penduduk boleh maju tanpa jenayah.Agenda untuk mengawal dan mencegah jenayah memerlukan usaha yang bersinergi, bersepadu dan bersungguh-sungguh daripada semua pihak. Setiap orang ada peranan dan tugas memerangi jenayah.Orang awam perlu diberi kesedaran bahawa memerangi jenayah adalah tanggung jawab bersama. Sejak penubuhannya, Yayasan Pencegahan jenayah Malaysia (MCPF) terbabit secara aktif dalam kempen kesedaran dengan pelbagai organisasi yang berteraskan masyarakat untuk membantu meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai keperluan untuk tidak mengambil ringan keselamatan mereka, tetapi sebaliknya mengambil bahagian secara aktif untuk memerangi jenayah.Melalui projek inisiatif bandar dan kejiranan selamat, MCPF berharap dapat membabitkan penyertaan semua lapisan masyarakat di dalam mendidik orang ramai mengenai apa yang mereka perlu lakukan untuk mengelakkan kejadian jenayah.

Saturday, July 26, 2008



Wednesday, July 23, 2008






Monday, July 21, 2008









1. 确保学校内每名雇员的安全、卫生与福利。
2. 确保在学校范围内任何人(学生与访客)的举动、安全与卫生。
3. 营造安全与卫生的工作环境,包括办公室、实验室、宿舍、食堂、厕所等等,确保符合雇员的生理与心理状况。



Friday, July 18, 2008

Introduce Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in schools

I refer to a recent NST report (9th July 2008) which stated that the Ministry of Education would launch a Pilot Project in 720 schools next month to fine-tune school safety standards before they are introduced in all schools.

NIOSH is pleased to note that the Education Ministry has agreed to introduce Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in schools and make them safe and health places of work for teachers, students and visitors alike.

The subject of “safe schools” should not be confined only to aspects concerning indiscipline, crime, threats to the safety of students, bullying and gangster-like behaviour etc but also matters concerning the safety of school buildings, classrooms, equipment and all available amenities in schools. In short the aspect concerning occupational safety and health in schools should be looked into.

In this regard, there is a need for schools to be aware of the existence and importance of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and its application to educational institutions in the interest of safety and health.

The application of the Act to the schools as “the place of work” aims to make all schools safe and healthy places of work for teachers, students or visitors alike.

Although the Act is primarily intended for the protection of workers, it does include sufficient provisions for protecting “others” affected by the activities of the working people.

In a school these “others” would primarily be the students. Both the schools management and the Department of Education would be the “employers” of the school while the workers would be the teachers and the administrative and other support staff.

In accordance with the Act, the school management and the Department of Education representing the employers have general duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their employees (teachers and support staff) as well as to protect the others (students and visitors) affected by the activities of the schools.

In line with the provisions in the Act, it is the duty of the employers (school management) to formulate a safety and health policy for the school, implement risk prevention through safety and health inspection and safety and health auditing of schools to identify weaknesses and shortcomings and to decide on remedial measures in the interest of safety and health at the workplaces.

Schools with 40 or more employees are required to set up safety and health committees where the staff and school managements are represented to discuss and resolve all matters pertaining to health and safety at work.

The most urgent task is of course to create safety and health consciousness among the teaching and support staff as well as among the students and to promote a safety culture.

Through safety and health training and education as well as safety and health promotion, every school will be more aware of the potential safety and health hazards in all parts of the school such as the classrooms and school laboratories and be more capable of dealing with them.

Ensuring that all schools and educational institutions take an active interest in safety and health will also benefit the students who can learn more about safety and health and be safety conscious from an early and receptive age.

School leavers should not only have academic qualifications, but also practical safety knowledge that they can take with them into the working environment.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I wish to thank Sri Garden for inviting me to WITNESS AND ENDORSE the Certificate to Sri Garden for “Breaking the record of making the biggest logo made of recyclable materials” and fulfill the requirements endorsed by the Malaysia Book of Records.

I congratulate the students for having worked very hard to make this project a success. I am sure they must have spent many hours collecting all the recyclable materials for this project.

This project is indeed very commendable as it will raise the awareness among the students in SRI GARDEN on the importance of “RECYCLING” and to need to preserve our environment.

The public can make an impact by reducing the amount of trash generated by adopting the 3R lifestyle of REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE.

The 3R lifestyle is NOT DIFFICULT to start and maintain. Just be smart shoppers, disciplined home owners and helpful and caring neighbours.

I call on all Malaysians to make it a habit to RECYCLE.

Statistics show that the people know the importance of RECYCLING but the percentage of those who make it a habit is still low.

Children learn fast, it’s never too early to teach them about preserving the environment through RECYCLING.

As our children will be the ones to inherit the EARTH, in the future, it is also necessary to inculcate in our young generation the importance of understanding and appreciating that our “EARTH IS PRECIOUS” and is “A GIFT TO SHARE” and “A TRUST TO CARE”.

I have always maintained that in our efforts to increase public awareness in regard to the protection and preservation of the environment, the SCHOOL is the most appropriate place to inculcate love and care for the environment in the young generation, so that they will grow up realising than MAN and NATURE can co-exist in HARMONY.

I am convinced that awareness of the importance of the environment can be achieved through environmental education in schools such as is being done in SRI GARDEN today.

And teachers should spare no effort to ensure that love for the environment is instilled among the young generation.

Environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility. If we fail to look after our environment the consequences will be disastrous.

It might be appropriate for me to remind everyone that CIVILISATION CAN BE DESTROYED IF WE DON’T MAKE PEACE WITH OUR ENVIRONMENT.










1. 捐献10台电脑给多元互动走廊教育培训中心,以便开授电脑班。
2. 资助10名贫困孩童在吉隆坡的阅读困难症中心接受密集的矫正培训计划。
3. 捐助5架国产轮椅给残障人士。
4. 通过实达亚南社区计划,每月提供食物物品给予80名贫困家庭。
5. 一年一次补助金给予Montfort Boys Town And Maju Diri Y Toy Library。
6. 资助星洲大义奖,表扬英勇事迹的社区有功人士,以便成为我国人民的典范。
7. 捐赠3间华文小学桌椅 – 建集华小, 安邦华小与光汉华小。
8. 推荐实达基金会图书《扣人心弦》。
9. 透过实达学生领养计划活动-颁奖典礼、就业讲座会、小六检定考试营、假期营、与家长交流会及家庭拜访等等。



First of all, I wish to convey my deepest appreciation to our Minister of Health YB Dato’ Liow Tiong Lai, for finding time despite his busy schedule to join our S P Setia Foundation Charity Dinner 2008.

On behalf of S P Setia Foundation and S P Setia Bhd, I wish to extend our warmest welcome to our Vietnamese partner for coming all the way from Vietnam to celebrate this very special occasion with us.
“Doi Roi Gud Kom Soe Den Do Vietnam”
“Toi Sin Guey Den Guey-wei Loi Chau Nom Nik Nyup”
Most importantly, I must express my gratitude to all the kind donors for once again giving so generously to this good cause. It truly takes a benevolent spirit to spare a thought for the poor and less fortunate Malaysians who are in need.

Ladies and Gentlemen
S P Setia Foundation was established in the year 2000 with the noble aim of helping to ease the hardship of the poor and less fortunate Malaysians to enable them to live a life of dignity.

Since its establishment, the Foundation has been unwavering in its commitment to improve society’s conditions. As trustees and guardian of public funds we have endeavoured to discharge our duty with utmost care to ensure that only the really deserving will benefit from our assistance.

Eight years on, we are still as passionate as ever over education through our flagship the SETIA ADOPTION PROGRAMME. Our first batch of Setia-adopted children have now completed their secondary education. I am proud to share that some even scored brilliant results in the SPM examination.

With education so close to our hearts, we have continued to assist many schools to enhance the learning environment through sponsorship of basic necessities such as furniture, computers, books and facilitating resource centres.

Ladies and Gentlemen
In line with our love for education, I am pleased to announce tonight that our founder, S P SETIA BHD has pledged to establish a RM300,000 Scholarship Fund for Vietnamese students to further their studies in Malaysia. Upon graduation, it is hoped that the students will join S P Setia’s operations in Vietnam.

This is in line with the Group’s expansion into Vietnam. S P Setia is currently undertaking its first township project in Vietnam. The Group believes that this investment in Vietnam’s youths demonstrates its commitment to establish a long-term presence in Vietnam.

The RM300,000 Scholarship Fund will be held in trust by S P Setia Foundation. It is my hope that the Vietnamese students will be able to benefit from this fund just as much as our Setia Adopted Children. Our Setia Adoption Programme continues to support 2,300 primary students from 119 primary schools and 170 secondary pupils across the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Apart from educational advancement, S P Setia Foundation has also donated towards various other charitable causes. These include
1) Donation of 10 units of computer for Multi Mutual Charity Association to start computer classes for children.

2) Sponsorship for 10 underprivileged children to undergo 5 months intensive remedial training programme at Persatuan Dyslexia Wilayah Persekutuan.

3) Donation of 5 units of our country’s first locally-made powered wheelchair by the disabled for the disabled.

4) Sponsorship of the Setia Alam Community Project to provide monthly food stuffs to 80 under privileged families in the surrounding neighbourhood.

5) Annual grant to Montfort Boys Town and Pusat Maju Diri Y Toy Library.

6) Sponsorship of Sin Chew Da Yi Award to give exposure to heroic deeds in the community as role models for Malaysians.

7) Sponsorship of desks and chairs to SJKC Chien Chi, SJKC On Pong & SJKC Kwong Hon.

8) Launch of S P Setia Foundation Pictorial Book “Touching Heart”.

9) Under the Setia Adoption Programme Activites – Awards Ceremony, Career Talk, UPSR Camp, Holiday Camp, Dialogue with Parents and Home Visits were carried out.

As you can see, these charitable deeds can only be sustained with the continuous financial support from magnanimous Malaysians like you all.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it now brings me to the highlight of tonight’s event which is to announce the total funds raised from tonight’s charity dinner.

Given the challenging economic climate, we did not set too high a target this year, and we aim to raise just RM5 million or less. But the outcome is a big surprise to us. It has proven once again that when it comes to do charity for a good cause Malaysians never shy away.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very proud and pleased to announce tonight that we have exceeded our target and raised a total of RM5.3 million. A whopping RM3.6 million was donated by our business associates while another RM1.7 million was pledged by the S P Setia Bhd Group. In addition, the S P Setia Berhad Group will also set aside another RM300,000 for the VIETNAMESE SCHOLARSHIP FUND which I mentioned earlier.

And now I wish to give special acknowledgement to our top donors for their utmost generosity. They are:
1. Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato' Sri Liew Kee Sin - RM300,000.00
2. Santarli Sdn Bhd - RM 150,000.00
3. Pembinaan Proli Sdn Bhd – RM105,000.00
4. EON Bank Bhd - RM 100,000.00
5. Tong Seng Tiling Marble Sdn Bhd - RM65,000.00
6. Toong & CO. - RM60,000.00
7. Advancecon Sdn Bhd - RM60,000.00
8. Kimlun Sdn Bhd - RM50,000.00
9. Tan Ngee Hong Construction Sdn Bhd - RM50,000.00
10.C&M Innovative Sdn Bhd - RM50,00.00
11.Cicet (Malaysia) Corporation Sdn Bhd - RM50,000.00

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you once again for your most appreciated contributions.

In conclusion, I also wish to thank the staff of S P Setia for their tireless effort in rehearsing to put up a sitcom for our enjoyment tonight. Simply called “Kopi Talk”, this show will definitely tickle you with its sense of humour.

To add spice to the entertainment line-up tonight, we have also flown in a well-known singer Maria Cordero from Hong Kong for a mini concert performance. We hope you will have an enjoyable and memorable time with us here tonight.

To all our exceedingly big-hearted donors, allow me to once again express my sincere thanks and appreciation for your continuous support. Please be assured that the Foundation will steadfastly uphold its mission to carry out more community and social outreach projects towards improving society’s welfare in line with the Nation’s call for a caring society.

Thank you.



该机构主席丹斯里李霖泰指出该项措施已经在几个先进国家实行。他在文告中表示“如果保险公司可以给予高血压,偏头痛,关节炎及糖尿病这些称为生活方式病保障, 那严重的精神病更应该给予保险保障。”




Employers to accord serious attention to the promotion of mental health at the workplace

Press Release Issued by Lee Lam Thye

Chairman of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye today called on employers to accord serious attention to the promotion of mental health at the workplace in order to enhance productivity of their workforce.

Mental health issues at the workplace should be given due attention as the productivity of the staff of any organization depends on their mental health.

Employers should look into the issue because the neglect of mental health and psychosocial factors at the workplace is not only detrimental to the individual worker but also directly affects productivity, efficiency and output of any enterprise.

Employee performance, frequent illness, absenteeism, accidents and staff turnover are all affected by employees’ mental health status.

Issues related to mental health at the workplace can also have a direct impact on all stakeholders of the workplace including the employers, customers and the community in which the enterprise is located.

No workplace is immune to mental disorders and their impact in psychological, social and economics terms is high. Mental health should no longer be ignored, on the contrary it should be given adequate attention in relation to other business in any organization.

The impact that mental health problems impose on the executives, workers, their families, workplaces and enterprises as well as society as a whole is immense and needs to be addressed.

It is important to ensure the happiness and well-being of workers and their families through initiatives to promote the good mental health in workplaces.

People with mental disorders should be provided with insurance coverage.

Insurance coverage for mental disorder is provided in the developed nations.

Mental disorder is an unfortunate illness that affects the person not by choice.

It is not an illness arising from a weakness of character but by a mixture of factors involving genetics, biology and neurochemistry – and an interplay with psychosocial factors.

It is not difficult to identify the major mental disorders. Any competent doctor can recognize them although a specialist may often be asked to confirm them.

If insurance companies can insure medical illnesses such as hypertension, migraine, arthritis, and diabetes mellitus, which can be called lifestyle diseases, I feel the more severe mental disorders should be equally covered.

It is pitiful to find an employee who suffers from a nervous breakdown, having to pay his own medical expenses when told by his employer that the insurance plan does not cover illnesses classified as nervous or mental in nature.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Cost-cutting measures at the expenses of OSH should not be introduced

As a national institute established to promote occupational safety and health for industries, NIOSH advises employers at all workplaces not to introduce or implement cost-cutting measures at the expense of the safety and health of their employees.

While we realize that employers have taken various measures to cut costs for their operations arising from the steep hike in fuel prices, we would advise that this should not be done at the expense of the safety and health of their employees.

Companies must not stinge or cut costs when it comes to maintaining safe plant and machinery, provision of a personal protective equipment or even investment in occupational safety and health in general.

This is because if accidents occur, lives may be lost and productivity will be affected.

And when accidents occur at the worksite, the employers will have to endure greater losses in terms of work stoppage, medical payment, compensation etc.

As workers must be assured of their rights to a safe and healthy work environment, there is a need to provide them with information, education and training so that they know best how to protect themselves.

Through the implementation of safe work procedures as well as the usage of personal protective equipment, the workers will be able to prevent accidents.

Accidents don’t just happen as they are caused and as such they can be prevented.

Making the workplace safe is a joint responsibility of both the employers and the workers. Safety should be a key issue at every workplace.

Safety training for employees is the key to achieving a successful safety programme and management must be committed to invest in safety at all times.

An accident-free environment helps the company to save and increase the organisation’s productivity and profitability. It will also help to boost the morale of the workforce.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ensuring OSH Through Drug-Free Workplaces

COEX Convention Centre, Seoul, Korea


The escalating abuse of drug and other psychoactive substances has become a major global concern necessitating a comprehensive response and a collaborative and participatory partnership approach from all segments of society.

Business and community collaboration is at the heart of such a participatory and partnership approach. The individual workplace mirrors these problems as a result of the deteriorating health of workers, absenteeism, work accidents and other increased safety risks.

Today the economic and human costs of substance abuse in the workplace is costing businesses billions of dollars annually in lost productivity and health care costs. Drug addiction is no longer a rich nation’s problem or a poor man’s affliction.

It transcends national, ethnic, religious, class and gender lines. Addicts range from the rich to the poor, the homeless to blue and white-collar workers, students, rural farmers, urban employees and street children.

In addition to wreaking havoc on the lives of addicts and their families, drug addiction is creating a myriad of new problems for communities such as increased crime and violence, the emergence of various social ills and the deterioration of the social fabric, as well as the spread of drug-related diseases such as AIDS and Hepatitis.

Drug abuse is a threat and poses devastating effects on workplaces. Many work-related accidents, injuries, illness, absenteeism, non-productivity and poor quality of production are linked to drug abuse.

The need to ensure that workplaces are free from drug abuse is obvious. Drug use has been found to contribute to workplace accidents, absenteeism, medical claims and compensation claims. Poor productivity, high staff turnover and criminal involvement have been found arising from the use of alcohol and drug abuse.

For many years, Malaysia has relentlessly combated to eradicate this menace. The Malaysian Government is committed to combat drug problems and in 1998 endorsed a strategic plan to create a drug-free Malaysia by the year 2015.

In Malaysia, our National Anti-Drugs Agency, has statistics to indicate that 80% of arrested drug addicts are in employment. Investing in strategies to prevent and respond to drug problems in the workplace is consistent with the Government’s anti-drug strategy and will result in a more productive workplace.

The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) in Malaysia has introduced Guidelines on Preventing and Responding to Drug Problems in the Workplace.

Every employer and every self-employed person is required to ensure as far as practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of his employees. Drug use can pose major risks to employees’ safety, health and welfare; and employers have a legal duty to take measures to eliminate or minimize the risk.

Similarly, employees too, are required to take reasonable care in terms of the safety of himself / herself and other persons who may be affected by his actions or omissions at work. Employees should not indulge in hazardous or harmful drug or alcohol use and should cooperate with employers in removing such risk factors from the workplace.

While, employers have a general duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace, free from hazards employees must take reasonable care of their own safety and health and not endanger the safety and health of others at the workplace.

We need to adopt a strategy to ensure workplace hazards and risks associated with the use of drugs and alcohol are eliminated or reduced as far as practicable. If a policy is adopted as part of this strategy, it should reflect the safety needs of that workplace. Education and information about the ways in which drugs and alcohol can affect safety and be part of that strategy should be disseminated among the workforce.

Studies have shown that most drug users are people with low self-esteem and self-worth and they lack the social competence skills such as the ability to say NO to drugs.

They are also poor in decision-making skills, managing stress and lack assertive and communication skills.

The adult employed population usually spends a third of their time and half of their waking hours in their workplaces.

As such employers and employees should collaborate to reduce drug abuse at the workplace and the community. Drug abuse is a threat to the well-being of millions of the world’s working population.

Drug use trends around the world reveal that the global drug problem is large and growing. Abuse of these drugs results in poor job performers and a higher risk of accidents at the workplace.

In Malaysia, although the negative effects of drug abuse and addiction on business and productivity have been recognised there is much to be done to introduce programmes to assists employees with drug problems.

Collaborative efforts between the government, the private sector and NGOs are needed to overcome drug abuse problem at the workplace and keep the workforce productive and healthy for economic development and improved quality of life.

The effects of drug abuse in the workplace have far reaching repercussions on the individual worker, and the employer.

Some of the effects on the individual worker resulting from drug abuse are absenteeism, arriving late for work and early departure from work, nervousness, reduced morale, shoddy workmanship, decline in productivity, contribute to workplace accidents and may result in injury, disability or even death.

Other effects include committing criminal activities to sustain their drug addiction habit and not responding well to training programmes at the workplace.

As far as the employers are concerned, drug abuse at the workplace leads to reduction of output as a result of staff absenteeism, decline in the quality of products and services, damage to property due to accidents, theft and pilferage, decline in worker discipline and loss of public trust because of poor quality products and services.

Drug abuse at the workplace poses a major business problem because it affects the bottom line and costs money to the employers.

There is a need to develop a drug-free workplace policy to benefit both employers and employees such as to provide for job security in respect of employees and productivity and profitability for the employers.

All companies should have a health and safety policy and every effort should be made to ensure workplace drug abuse prevention programmes be made an integral part of activities for occupational safety and health.

I believe the best way to address the drug abuse problem at the workplace is through the following SEVEN-POINT programme:-

A drug-free workplace must of necessity involve the top management. There must also be commitment from all concerned to work towards a drug-free workplace and create a win-win situation for both employers and employees;

There must be a written policy to reflect the strong commitment of the employer to a drug-free workplace. In addition, Workplace Anti-Drug Committees must be set up, either utilizing the existing occupational safety and health committees or specific sub-committees to operationalise the activities of a drug-free workplace programme.

In all workplaces there must be programme of employees’ education and awareness which focuses on the specific dangers of drug abuse and why the workforce should be free from drugs.

Supervisors can play a key role to the successful implementation of any drug-free workplace policy and programee. They can be trained not only to detect drug abuse at the workplace out also to deal and cope with employees using drugs.

As part of an effort to strive for a drug-free work environment, employees should be subjected to random urine test to ensure they are free from drugs. There is growing consensus that drug testing in the workplace is an important component of drug abuse prevention programme, particularly when the health and safety of others may be at risk.

As employees are valuable resources in any organization, it is imperative for employers to assist employees who are drug users to seek help, counseling, treatment and rehabilitation instead of dismissing them and making them a threat to the community. After these drug users have been rehabilitated, they should be allowed to remain in the workforce while putting them under supervision.

The corporate sector can help the community to respond to the challenges of drug abuse by volunteering financial contributions, or assistance in-kind, to help credible NGOs in carrying out sustained anti-drug campaigns at the community level.

To summarise, drug abuse prevention activities can be carried out through education and information dissemination activities aimed at providing knowledge, awareness and skills such as interpersonal skills, counseling skills at all workplaces.

At workplaces too, recreational activities which develop healthy lifestyles such as Open Day, Family Day, Sports and Games including Outward Bound type programmes should be an integral part of the company’s contribution to a healthy workforce.

Workplace anti-drug programmes must also be supported by community service activities in which the corporate sector can play a role.