Monday, February 23, 2009

2009 FT Day

Letter to Editor

As we commemorate Federal Territory Day in Kuala Lumpur – our 35th anniversary – it is time for all of us both City Hall and its 1.7 million residents to see how we can further contribute in our respective ways to ensure Kuala Lumpur becomes a world-class liveable city.

While we can take pride in our past achievements, it is also appropriate for us to look at our present shortcomings and address them so that our dreams, hopes and aspirations can be attained.

I am privileged to have been given an opportunity to serve Kuala Lumpur – 21 years as an elected representative followed by another 16 years as a Member of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall Advisory Board.

A new Datuk Bandar has been appointed for Kuala Lumpur and I am confident that under his leadership Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail will bring City Hall and Kuala Lumpur to greater heights of achievement.

Among the current issues of concern that need further action from the Federal Territory Ministry and City Hall to address include:-

a. Ensuring Good Governance and a Good Delivery System with quick and efficient response to public complaints.

b. Developing a good maintenance culture where all public amenities are properly maintained.

c. Continue efforts to bring about an Integrated Efficient Public Transport System for use by Kuala Lumpur residents as a means to reduce traffic congestion.

d. Increase efforts to make Kuala Lumpur truly environmentally friendly by providing more trees, more parks and recreational spaces for city dwellers and addressing water and air pollution.

e. Contributing towards crime prevention by actively implementing the Safe City Initiative Programme and the concept of crime prevention through environmental design.

While we expect our local authority to do more to address the many complex issues in the city, it is also necessary for all city dwellers to increase their civic consciousness, be proactive and adopt the right attitude in terms of Kuala Lumpur’s continued growth and progress.

City dwellers have also to play their rightful role. Other than contributing their ideas and feedback towards the Mayor and City Hall, city folks should help ensure the city’s cleanliness by refraining from throwing litter indiscriminately and do not vandalize or cause damage to public amenities.

Get involved in more voluntary activities such as organizing gotong-royong campaigns, to protect the environment. This is also one effective way to fight the present dengue outbreak.

There are many challenges that lie ahead for Kuala Lumpur to be a world-class liveable city.

Much not only depends the Mayor and his officials but also policy directions of the Federal Territory Ministry and above all the earnest participation of all concerned NGOs, the peoples’ elected representatives and the city dwellers.

Eventually we must build a sense of belonging, love and pride for our city of Kuala Lumpur – A City for All.

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